Today I got: Instant approvals for: Target Toy Visa Card 700 CL 15.9% interest they pulled equisux i had a 737 fico 1 hard. Sears Toy Gold Visa Card 500 CL with some crazy interest rate... they pulled trans union i had a 739 fico 10 hards I remember when i was happy to get a 250CL This a day after being approved for BofA platinum for 6500CL and 9.9% fixed. also I got instantly denied for US BANK they pulled TU 739 fico with 9 hards at the time.. still waiting to hear from CHASE.. and applied for BofA alaskan air lines card to test BofA BDD theory.. Also my TU FICO has not changed even though I have added 6 inquiries in 2 days. kev
I got 674 EXP, BOFA pulled last week with 1 hard in six months, gave me gold card with 1000 limit. SUCKS!
The reason the credit card companies are giving low credit lines they had a lot of people that would max out their card and not pay.
That's what I meant. Sears and AMEX are having huge delinquency problems. When AMEX has problems, the other CC's have to worry. I think last quarter AMEX had a 38% 1st time delinquency rate. Charlie