So I have an account with, who was backed by Chase, and is now backed by CIT Group. I called Newegg, as I found out they are not reporting the account to any CRA. I asked why not, they stated only if the account becomes deliquent do they report. Can I submit a request to insert positive information along with the last copy of my statement to the CRA? Would that be enough information for them to start reporting?
You can ask but I doubt they will do it. Sort of suck when you get no love from a creditor or a consumer reporting agency dosent it?
I guess I've never looked close enough to see if it was reported. I've had it over 8 months and it has a CL of 2400. I'm sure it would raise my score and help level it out since I just got a Target card.
The request to report information must be done with the issuer/data furnisher. The CRAs will not include a tradeline jsut by request. I would try and request inclusion and reporting, you have nothing to lose. I have requested reporting of closed accounts and they have been reported after request. careful of what you ask for, if they DO report, make sure they report your full CL, and NOT just your current balance. It could hurt you if they report your balance as your CL! Sometimes this happens in these cases.
You can always ask that information be added to your report, but be prepared to pay for it. The creditor has to pay for EACH tradeline reported, so some will only report negatives which it has a financial return for reporting.
jam, as usual, has the right information: they pay money to report, and if you want them to report your three tl with all three agencies they may very well charge you. It is an added " feature " of trade lines which we are so accustomed to seeing that we are surprised when it is not offered.
I understand they have to pay, when I called them again they said something about the account not be 1 year old so they dont report until then. Never heard of that before. I assumed since Chase backed it at the begining, it would be reported.
I'm just curious. Would you still use the card and maintain the account if it does not report? Are there any benefits for you in keeping the account open and active if ultimately never reports like a great interest rate?
I'll use it just because I get a huge discount, 1.1% off every purchase under 500.00 (ha!) or over 500.00 6 months 0% interest.
Similarly, if you don't pay your cell phone bill they will report you, but if you make all your payments on time you get no benefit. I wonder if the cell phone companies would be inclined to report activity if you asked nicely...