Trans Union Inquiries

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by LisaMc, Mar 15, 2002.

  1. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    I have managed to have all of the inquiries--about 45 on my husband and my Experian and Equifax reports.

    I CAN NOT get TU to budge one bit. They say that "if an inquiry is on your report, it was in fact made"--therefore, they will not remove it. How can they avoid allowing you to dispute an item regardless of their policy? I just don't get it.

    I see on this board that people believe TU to be the second easiest (after Experian) to delete inquiries. I have had no luck at all.


  2. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    Hold on, hold on, hold on! We need details. Are you sure you got inquiries removed from Equifax? How?
  3. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    I swear, I swear.

    My local affiliate for Equifax is CSC of Houston. They have to be the biggest idiots on this planet all joking aside. At first I had little luck. I found that it completely depended on who picked up on the Cust Svc line--Ty, Jean, Dallas made it easy. Anyone else, no dice. I would just call back until one of them answered the line. I later learned that the odds of actually getting one of them was astronomically against me. I finally had one of them tell me that they would allow dispute of an inquiry (read deletion here) if you did not have that creditor reporting elsewhere on your report. So, I attacked all of these first. They were all deleted. Then I had the ones left that we did have accounts with either currently or in the past. I had very little luck. Over time I noticed that CSC was getting shoddier and shoddier about their investigations. The rules changed everytime you called (CSC does not allow online disputes..ARGHHH!). One day I called and got a rep that was always a complete problem. She hung up on me twice in one day when I gave my name. I complained vehemently to the Supervisor of Cust Svc. I had names, times, dates etc. While I had his attention and while he was apologizing profusely, I asked why I was not allowed to dispute inquiries if I had an account with them on record. He said "you can." I explained that for 8 months I had been denied that right by his staff. He said "call back in to the cust svc lines and request a dispute of the remaining inquiries. If they refuse, refer them to me." He went on to say that there was a lot of confusion on the floor about that very issue. Sure enough, I was not allowed to dispute these inquiries again right after talking to him. I referred the rep to him as he instructed. She hung up on me. I was pissed! By the time I got the supervisor back on the phone, mysteriosly all of the inquiries in question were gone! Wow! A miracle! It was a true Christmas miracle.

    Now, TU is another story. Every angle I have taken resulted in the form letter, in all caps, "we don't investigate inquiries." Im stumped!!

    Hope this long post helps!

  4. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    Wow! I've had nothing but success disputing TU INQs online. Sadly, I don't have a local EQ affiliate. I gotta deal with the idiots in Atlanta (I think).

    You are the first one I've heard of getting EQ INQs removed - amazing! Congrats.
  5. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    I just found this board today. I have been attempting this on my own for about 8 months. I have actually had pretty good luck. We filed a CH 13 over a year ago. WHen I pulled our reports, the highest score between my husband and myself was 435! Now, over 1/2 of the negative entries have been deleted, all of the inquiries on Experian and Equifax, and our scores are all over 600 with a high on Equifax of 665 for my husband!

    I didn't know until today that Equifax was the sticking point for inquiries.

    Did you just go to under personal solutions? They don't even give you an option under the dispute section to address inquiries. I used the actual credit section and disputed them that way. I have tried several times with zero results. We get our TU reports from Fullerton, CA. I guess that is their corporate home address. There isn't a local affiliate that I know of.
  6. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    When I dispute online with TU, for the account name, I list who did the INQ and for account#, I just type Inquiry.

    I've had about 20-30 removed since May 2001.
  7. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Wish I've had your type of results. Every time I dispute the inq's on my TU, I get the standard form letter. Even the BBB wasn't able to help me out.
  8. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    That is exactly what I did. I haven't had one deleted yet in probably 10 various attempts. I would consider myself unlucky if I hadn't gotten the Equifax inquiries removed.
  9. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    Equifax is making up for all the ones I got removed from TU. Equifax is killing me.
  10. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    TMitchell, do you think it will hurt my chances with TU if I just keep disputing these online over and over again? It always accepts the dispute of the inquiry--about 10 days later I get the familiar "we don't investigate inquiries" letter. SHould I just keep after them and hope that I get lucky on one of them?
  11. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    What I did was tell them in my disputes that I didn't mind legit INQs being on my report but the INQs I was disputing were bogus because I didn't remember applying for credit with those companies.

    Usually they were gone in a matter of days.
  12. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    What would happen if we are supposed to send our disputes to the "main office" in Atlanta, but instead sent it to the affiliate, to have inquiries removed?

    I deal with the Buffalo TU affiliate and they remove the inquiries no questions asked. How about I send my dispute to Houstin, for Equifax?
  13. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    Does it matter what regional office you send dispute to? If not, I don't see why you couldn't send them to CSC. Don't get me wrong, Equifax wasn't smooth sailing. THe rule was.....get rid of all of the inquiries for which there is no other reference in your report. Secondly, get rid of those that do resurface elsewhere. The second is harder, but it can be done. Get to a supervisor or manager and state your case. They can delete them, without dispute, while you are on the phone. That is what happened to me on several occasions.

    Do you call in your disputes to TU in Buffalo? Or do you do them online like TMitchell? We do not have a regional affiliate for TU here in Houston.
  14. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    I don't know if it's the same for TU or Equifax, but when I call the Experian number on my reports, I'm told they cannot even access my report and cannot help me. I have to call the affiliate office in NJ.... so if that's the norm, than maybe the other offices wouldn't even be able to access your reports.

  15. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I was thinking that as well, when i call PA or CA, for TU they used to tell me they can't access my report because it's "owned" by Buffalo, but I made a big enough stink about how Buffalo office is loaded with morons that they now look at it WHENEVER I call.
    When I call the Buffalo office, they say are you MR. KHM's wife, that's when you know you call TOO much.

    My point was what if we MAILED this info to the local EQU? If they DO have access to it, maybe they will just say "aw well they are only inquiries just remove them" or they may send it to Atlanta automatically, or return it to us saying they don't deal with our file.
  16. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member have GOT to be close to me if you use Buffalo's TU affiliate. They are the ones I am supposed to go through as well, but so far I haven't. Except I did fax them a letter from a creditor once to have something deleted (ended up with their fax number) and got back a letter saying they needed my ssn, etc. By the time I got their letter, it had already been deleted through their Chester, PA offices so I never responded.

    How are they to deal with? If my case makes it to court, want to come support me and watch me make an idiot out of myself in front of a

  17. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    At first Buffalo was GREAT to deal with. All I would have to do is fax over any letter from which ever creditor in question and they would delete (if the letter said to), or do whatever the letter said! Then came that repo of hubbys. I put in a dispute the day I found it BACK on there. I called said it was reinserted illegally and they said "prove it, send us an old copy with it not on there" I faxed over a 20 page report, from 11/01, they didn't delete. I got a letter from the CA SAYING to delete, faxed it over ITS STILL ON THERE. I contacted CA 2 days ago and they said fax it to them, ITS STILL ON THERE!

    I have a C/O that gets deleted every month (Have a letter from the creditor) and then it gets reinserted, a few days later. I called CA told them about the morons in Buffalo. I said I would fax them the copy and he said "no need I will delete it right now". This last time that TU put it back on, they created a new file JUST FOR THIS one item!!!!

    I'm in NH. I think Buffalo deals with 6 or 7 states. There is only ONE woman that answers the phone, and you can't dispute over the phone. They DO NOT have computers there, it's all filing cabinets. There used to be a woman named Christine there, if you called her she would just delete, I think she got fired :(

    If you are near me, I will try to get jury duty for your case <G>. If not I WILL go there and support you. Just play the "poor screwed over consumer", why would a jury of your pees side with Big Bad Corporate Pricks?
  18. tommyy

    tommyy Well-Known Member

    I have had luck removing Inquiries from TU and EX often. For EX I dispute via credit expert and they usually disappear after 30 days. For TU I disputed online and the first 4 tries and received that form letter that I need to call the vendor direct, etc. About 6 months ago for no apparent reason my TU inquiries fall off automatically once they hit the 3 month milestone. Again , I have no idea why and I will not call them to ask why either. Two more just dropped off yesterday from Citibank. This now totals about 6. With EQ I have tried with the local affiliate 3 times and they flat out refuse to remove any inquiries until just recently. I disputed 2 eight month old bank hard inquiries along with one paid chargeoff. For whatever reason they removed all 3 disputes at the 30 day mark.This is the first time I ever have gotten inquiries removed from EQ. Maybe my local affiliate is changing their attitude towards Inquiry disputes? When I disputed I simply used the form letter and did not include any special reason for the dispute, etc. I just think you have to be persistant and eventually things will go your way.
  19. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    That should say "peeRs"

    BTW, Buffalo is AMAZING a deleting inquiries!!! Make sure you get the exact spelling from the TU report and just put, "Unauthorized Inquiry please delete" It should be gone within 5 days. I have had TONS of inquiries removed from them.
  20. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Awesome! Thanks for the info, KHM! I think when I'm down to the last little bit on TU, I'll try the local affiliate for the inquiries :)


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