Its excellent! I have to give TU theirs propers, They made us wait for it but it was worth it. Incredible detail. This is very good work! Cypri
Good for TU! Just one ?, why do we need to pay to get the credit score with Exp and Equ? Do anyone know? TU- 631 with accounts in dispute.
I all ready have it figured out It's not ment to figure out so they can use it as a tool of plunder to rip you off! End of chapter-Book closed:[!QUOTE]Originally posted by KHM If someone figures out this whole scoring process please write a book and make millions from it! My score dropped by 9 points in the past 3 months, no new inquiries (actually had some removed) and a neg account is being reported as positive now. I also noticed one of my paid charge offs is showing a balance so I disputed it as not mine. Go figure! Kellie [/QUOTE]
Not a FICO score, so it does not matter if the accounts are indispute or not... only deletion/correct effects the TU consumer score. BTW, inquries also have ZERO impact on the TU CS.
Thanks Bkev for this info. The accounts in dispute should get deleted or corrected. Maybe there will be some sort of change to increase the CU score. I will begin the process to buy a home in January and according to my mortgage broker we need to get all the scores up to at least 700. Working really hard toward that goal.
That's because none of them are worth a hoot and are not a measure of credit worth.All they amount to is a money gage.
I don't know about that now, Mr. Brown. Up until just the last few days, I've just not worried much about FICO or scores, but as I read more posts on the subject and think about it more, understand it a wee bit better, I begin to see almost endless possibilities. That's just about the way it is with most things. You look something over and at first maybe it makes you shudder just to think about it. First thing that pops to mind is that you don't want anything to do with it and the guy that thought that up must be the dumbest thing ever to walk the face of the earth. Then you hear more and more about it and a little bit of daylight and understanding creeps into the darkest corners of your mind and you begin to turn it over and over and look at it and the first thing you know you have got something real interesting figured out that maybe the inventor didn't even think about. That's the way it is in this old world. Pretty soon the world's worst idea turns into an Einstein theory and we are out there figuring out how to keep the molecules from fleeing the scene.
We could also go to the other extreme. We could rate our friends on a scoring model. Have they called me lately? Have they called me too much lately? Have they taken me to dinner? Are they starting to buy me a lot of gifts like maybe they want something from me? As dangerous as that sounds, just think if we applied it to our spouses/ significant others! I wonder what other parts of our lives could be summed up in a single number. Reminds me of the old Calvin and Hobbs comics where Calivin would walk up to his Dad and announce "Dad, the polls are in and you're slipping badly."
no, hm, they are all on there still. I do have them disputed - I am also sending a letter to citi, do you think that is a wise idea or not?
HOLY SH!T!!!!! On September 24, 2001, my TU score was 528. Today it is 623!!! SWEET!! I can't f'n believe it. I never dreamed that my TU score would be higher than Experian's score or my FICO score. TU is my worst report, btw. Anyways, I'm so happy right now, I could scream!!!
Re: thanks Momof3,you should get the password from the e-mail then you can login again.The same thing happened to me.
Re: thanks My question is... Is it a live report when you log back in (like EXP) or the same report as before (like EQF).... Will have to wait to see....
What kind of loan are you going for? Your broker wants your scores at least 700, I have seen many people get good rates with scores in the low to mid 600's.
I got my online tu report but it still shows all inq, even though I am disputing several of them for about a week now that they've been in dipute. Wonder whats up with that?