Trans Union....LOOKING GOOD!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Killer, Oct 27, 2000.

  1. Killer

    Killer Guest

    My TU report is far better than the other two. Only negative accounts...3 delinquent accts with $0 balance (2 were charged-off)...2 unpaid charge-offs about $300 each. I haven't paid these last two because they expire in less than 2 years. Should I pay them?

    In addition to the negative accounts the following accounts are perfect: FNB Visa ($500 limit) since 04/00... Orchard ($300 limit) since 05/00..Wells Fargo car loan ($14,000 balance)since 06/00..and Chevron ($300 limit) since 08/00.

    I have two other all-positive cards but they are not being reported to Trans Union.

    Are there any major cards that pull Trans Union only and accept my history?

    I tried Chase and they only pulled Trans Union. However, they don't approve charge-offs.
  2. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    RE: Trans Union....LOOKING GOO

    They do approve paid charge offs. My transunion shows paid charge offs from 4/00 (my student loans).
  3. Killer

    Killer Guest

    RE: Trans Union....LOOKING GOO

    Oops! I meant they don't approve if applicant has UNPAID charge-off. I talked to a Chase rep and he said if I pay them send an updated copy. I am seriously thinking about paying them since they only total $600. The seven year mark on both will end 05/2002. Correct me if I am wrong...paying these will not re-start the seven year clock...right?
  4. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    RE: Trans Union....LOOKING GOO

    No, it will not restart the clock....
  5. molly

    molly Well-Known Member

    RE: Trans Union....LOOKING GOO

    Go to They have a list of what credit bureau popular companies use.
  6. Doris K.

    Doris K. Well-Known Member

    RE: Trans Union....LOOKING GOO

    Killer and I have been through that one before! Although he and I live in towns only 8 miles apart, we found that Citibank pulls from different credit bureaus. I'm sure quite a few others do the same stuff.
  7. Killer

    Killer Guest

    RE: Trans Union....LOOKING GOO

    I know Doris. It's hard to predict! I looked at the list but not many pull only Trans Union.
  8. Doris K.

    Doris K. Well-Known Member

    RE: Trans Union....LOOKING GOO

    Because the 3 paid accounts are so old, you should be able to get them removed by disputing them. You might even have that sort of luck with the unpaid ones as well. After all, they are uncollectible because the statute of limitations for Texas has expired.

    If they do verify, you might even be able to make one hell of a deal with the collection agencies to pay pennies on the dollar to cover them as well as have them removed. If they won't agree to remove them, they might sell you the account at a ridiculously low cost, and you can remove it yourself.

    One thing you might have going for you with regards to Trans Union is the fact that you probably can request investigations through the Retail Merchant's Association of Houston. Having worked there before, I know what kinds of dumbasses they have doing the investigations. Many of the gum-chewing post-40 Barbie wannabes there are too busy filing their nails and plumping their silicone and assfat-filled body parts to put themselves out by taking all the proper steps in completing an investigation, so sending a post card to the creditor is about as much work as they'll do. This usually works in your favor.

    While you should be able to do business with the Retail Merchants Association of Houston, there is a possibility that, living in Brookshire, you might have to deal with the office in Hempstead--depending on whether you live in Harris County or Waller County. Still, I'm not sure as to whether or not that even makes a difference.
  9. Killer

    Killer Guest

    RE: Trans Union....LOOKING GOO


    I have no idea what you are talking about...LOL. Who are the Retail Merch Assoc and what can they do for me? BTW...I'm in Waller.
  10. Doris K.

    Doris K. Well-Known Member

    RE: Trans Union....LOOKING GOO

    In Texas, The Retail Merchants Association is an affiliate of Trans Union. In other words, it is a local version credit bureau.

    Not only can they sell you your Trans Union report, they can investigate errors on the report. Businesses in the Houston area who pull a Trans Union report are usually members of The Retail Merchants's Association, so they have direct access to your credit report via a mainframe computer connection.

    If I'm not mistaken, there are offices in Hempstead, Conroe, The Woodlands, and Richmond, but they are satellite offices of the Houston office. Not only does the Retail Merchants Association serve as a credit bureau, it collects on its members' hot checks and lobbies local and state governments on business matters.

    The Houston office is located downtown on Fannin. The number there is 713-520-6714.
  11. Killer

    Killer Guest

    RE: Trans Union....LOOKING GOO


    What is the best way to initiate an investigation with them. Should I write and where? Or should I locate the Hempstead office?
  12. Doris K.

    Doris K. Well-Known Member

    RE: Trans Union....LOOKING GOO

    Try the Houston office first. Order a copy of your Trans Union report from them. From there, you should receive instructions on how to dispute information through them.

    By the way, from where are you currently getting your Trans Union reports?
  13. Killer

    Killer Guest

    RE: Trans Union....LOOKING GOO

    I ordered my Trans Union report on-line directly from Trans Union. You give your payment information and the report comes in the mail. Since Chase recently denied me and pulled Trans Union, will Retail Merchants provide free copy?
  14. Doris K.

    Doris K. Well-Known Member

    RE: Trans Union....LOOKING GOO

    Yes...The Trans Union report you received should have come from Retail Merchants. Check it and see. Ordinarily, Trans Union itself does not handle credit reports for Texas residents. The report is printed and sent out by Retail Merchants--in the same way CSC prints and mails all Equifax reports.

    If you don't find a Retail Merchants name and address anywhere on your Trans Union report, call the downtown office and find out how to deal directly with them. You should be able to get a free Trans Union report from any of its local affiliates whenever you are denied credit.

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