Trans Union Online dispute issues

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by movinup, Oct 1, 2006.

  1. movinup

    movinup Member

    For the life of me I cannot figure out how to do it online... Its like some puzzle.....Granted I am not the smartest but I quit trying.... I am going to call M-F and have some TU employee walk me through I think.

    Anyone else ever had this problem ?
  2. Squeek

    Squeek Well-Known Member

    I think paper is the way to go with disputes. Never done one online.
  3. movinup

    movinup Member

    TU online dispute gets better

    I call up this morning and the individual that answers says no one at TU can help me with the online problem I am having. He then says "oh I see here we are havin problems with that part of the site". I wanted to chime in "You sure are and its not a new problem its been all last week". He kept refferring me to call in and dispute. I prefer to do it online. I did one with EX and it was painless and I did not have to talk to a customer service rep.

    Surely some other folks have disputed with TU online. Anyone !
  4. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    If it's worth doing, and the reply matters, I would do it in writing, CRRR.

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