I simply don't understand Trans Union Scores. Okay...last time I checked Trans Union score was 725 I believe. Anyway, I have not disputed and no negs have dropped off the report. Yet today I got a copy of my report in the mail (they blocked me online) and now my score is 751!!!! Now I AM NOT COMPLAINING(in fact, I'm tickled pink about the score), but I simply can't understand it. It has to be random or something. Oh and one other thing that bugs me is that Target deleted old negatives. For some reason Trans Union deleted them once and then reinserted them. All other bureaus deleted them once Target told them to do so. A month ago I contacted Target and asked them to please try to get Trans Union to change the negative. Anyway, I got a letter from them last week saying that they reported the new information to all bureaus again. I simply don't understand why Trans Union will not change the data that Target requested to be changed! I mean I did not dispute it with them, I went straight to the creditor. Is there a way to fax a copy of my letters (I have two from Target stating that I should be reported with no negatives)?? SOMEONE PLEASE POST THE FAX NUMBER IF YOU HAVE ONE. THIS IS SOOOO FRUSTRATING!! ***Oh and watch my score drop once the Target negative drops off my account. I don't understand how creditors could have faith in such a faulty scoring system. Thanks for letting me vent! I feel much better now.
TRANS UNION EQUIFAX EXPERIAN all have different scoring systems... TRANS UNION goes as high as 934...so a score in the 700's means LESS than 700's for EQUIFAX...which goes only as high as 850... EQUIFAX IS THE ONLY "TRUE" F.I.C.O. (IF THERE IS SUCH A THING AS A 100% COMPLETE AND ACCURATE CREDIT REPORT)...
Congratulations on the score!!! That's a terrific score! As far as the score dropping when they delete a negative, well...I think I may have figured that one out with the help of some comments here on the board. Okay, most of us have really old derogs, right? I think even though they are hurting because they are derogatory, in another way they help because the age of the account is also considered in the score. So if you have five accounts that are 6 years old but they are all derogatory accounts and you have two accounts that are good, but only a year old, if they deleted the old accounts, it would look like the average age of accounts would only be one year old. Does this sound credible? L
Thanks George and Whyspers! George, Thanks for reminding me about the difference in the scale. Whyspers..what a great observation. I think you are on to something. That really makes a lot of sense. Wow..I love this board. All of you always give helpful information that shows me that there is more than one way to look at a problem. Especially about how the age of accounts would be affected by deletions. Thanks again!
Well....that's great! I'm having the same problem with TransUnion. I had an account that was reporting me late all of 98. I called them (happens to be Retailers National Bank) and they sent a letter in July 2000, stating they were deleting the late payments and instructing all credit bureaus to do the same. Experian and Equifax are clean. TransUnion continues to report this account as past due. I sent a copy of the letter, along with my letter to Retailers, to TU. I gave them another 30 days to fix this or we're goin to court folks. After 2 years, they should have done something. I don't understand TU.
Sweetnsas, Thanks for the reply. I can't believe we are having trouble getting TU to delete negs from the same creditor. Especially when the creditor is contacting them and telling them to do so. At first I was wondering if Retailers (Target) really contacted them but then I noticed that the other bureaus corrected the info immediately. I guess I will give them a few more days and then I will need to figure out what steps to take next. Thanks again for your reply. Take care!
Someone had posted these before and they helped me.... hope they help you too. 1-610-546-4605 (this is in PA) 1-714-447-6032 (no idea where this is.. CA maybe?) Ozzy.
Thank Ozzy! I just sent them a fax. Hopefully, they will update it that way instead of starting a dispute. Ugh..another wait! Thanks again! I will keep you posted!
You may also want to send this guy an email Don Richman<drichman@transunion.com> Check ou my thread Don Richman@TU???
I don't understand how creditors could have faith in such a faulty scoring system. cfand3boyz | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^6 It's not the faith its the Windfall in over charging.
EQUIFAX IS THE ONLY "TRUE" F.I.C.O. (IF THERE IS SUCH A THING AS A 100% COMPLETE AND ACCURATE CREDIT REPORT)...George ========================== George I'm getting so deperate to see one that I am almost tempeted to give $100.00 to see it.