transunion bumpage

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Brinasia, Jul 28, 2004.

  1. Brinasia

    Brinasia Well-Known Member

    Hi... I have been pulling my CR daily for the past 3 months. The transunion inquiries started falling off. Now I have 2 inquiries left and nothing has fallen off in 2 weeks. Anyon know why?
  2. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    the alignment of mars isnt quite right, wait for jupiter to pass the sun and it should happen :)

    seems random ...seriously.
  3. msb212

    msb212 Well-Known Member

    where have you been pulling? love to do it as well!!!
  4. Brinasia

    Brinasia Well-Known Member

    Go to . They have a trail for 2 months for $1. be sure to cancel before the 2month period. I didnt start seeing any inquires go so I signed up again with a different credit card and started seeing inquireis go after about another month.. It removed about 10 inquiries.. You also get to see how your score is everyday even though its not a true score it helps you see which way your scores are moving.

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