TransUnion can just bite me!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by whyspers, Mar 14, 2002.

  1. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I simply cannot believe this! I just went to pull a new report as the status of an investigation was due. The paid after charge-off account was deleted (yeahhhhhh), but my score dropped by FIVE points!!!! I started out with a 498 TU score and had 11 derogatory tradelines.

    I now have a 513 score with 3 derogatory tradelines!!! One of those tradelines ages off in September of this year and one ages off in February of next year...the third falls off in December of next year (if I don't get them off sooner). I have 9 positive tradelines listed with TU...all paying as agreed, never late with the earliest dating back to 1995. Can someone please explain to me why my score is sooooo horrible still????

    I know we have had this discussion, but I am in sore need of some sympathy and maybe some clarification if anyone has any.

    Oh...the reasons given for the score:

    Months since last delinquency is too short
    Collection accounts ever owed is too high
    Too few retail accounts
    Too many serious delinquencies.

    L (who feels like crying...some victory)
  2. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    They can bite me too, LOL

    Are your collection accounts showing as open?
  3. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    One of them is...but I'm not even sure the second is listed as a collection. It is listed by the original creditor, and isn't listed under the Collection Record section, but in the comments section, it says 12Reconciliation Date >Status as of 09/2001: Collection Account< This is the one that falls off in September of this year (or is supposed to according to EQ and that would be the right time frame for anything that was REALLY mine..don't know if this one is or not). Of course I sincerely believe that by disputing, it is reaging the least for scoring purposes.

    I just sent a letter to TU saying their report does not seem to indicate the date of last activity and asking how I can find out what that date is. I also asked if the report I see is any different from what a potential creditor might see. Will be interesting to hear the reponse...IF I get one.

  4. dfwgt

    dfwgt Well-Known Member

    I know the FICO system goes back two years as far as payments - were you late during that time?

    I had eight negatives, and nine positives when i started, but it had been two years since I was last late.

    Just an opinion - that may be the reason...

  5. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Nope...its been over five years since my last late payment. Everthing has been perfect since then. Actually, I'm not even showing any late payments...just the one charge off and two collections (if the one is even a collection).

  6. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    ok, I can actually tell you this one and you have cause for a lawsuit.

    here's the deal. Date of status 9.2001. right? that's a CURRENT derog.

    odds are they're using your dispute dates for fico. Now, TU isn't a real score so you really need your score from a real source, but look at the codes.

    recent derog. You should have none of that outside the 24 mos window...

    The software thinks it's all recent. Look at a real score and compare, but with a dla of 9.2001, odds are your scores unfairly suck.

    Fair Isaac has admitted that without a dla in the tradeline, your last dispute date (or their last little activity) will cause erroneous dating on the account, all to your detriment, of course.

    Or, your collection agency has updated something in your file causing the dla to be recent, poisoning you file. nice system, huh.
  7. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    thanks, marie!

    OUCH, that helps me understand though, makes sense if that's how their software is computing, more than I could figure with any other dates they were using.

    Now TU can bite me twice! ;-)
  8. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Marie! Now how would I go about getting the score that TU reports to potential creditors...or is it the same score? Also, I think Christine is currently suing TU over getting access to her entire TU file and everything that is shown to creditors, so maybe I can hook up with her on this and we can compare notes.

    I should just forget all these headaches and simply sue them all! I spent three hours today copying my original and three copies and attaching exhibits to same, completing the civil cover sheet and preparing the summons so I can file in federal court against one CA. That's nothing in comparison to the hours I've spent trying to get one little response from these people! You would think in their business they would realize that ignoring something won't make it go away! I truly believe this place thinks I won't spend $150 to file and whatever amount to serve them over a $51 collection that is due to expire next year anyway. Boy are they in for a big suprise!

    Its ready to file and I'm just trying to decide whether to do it tomorrow or wait a few more days to see if they verify a second time with Experian. Part of me thinks at this point they should PAY! I still don't even know what the heck this tradeline is supposed to be for!


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