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TransUnion = Frivolous Disputes

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by BellyUp, Aug 7, 2004.

  1. BellyUp

    BellyUp Well-Known Member

    I've disputed my First USA account 4 times with TransUnion to say that the account was discharged in Bankruptcy and not a charge-off.

    The first time FirstUSA raised the balance due.

    The 2nd, 3rd and 4th times, TransUnion did nothing except send a letter back saying that it was already investigated and verified as correct......and they consider my disputes as "Frivolous".

    I told them to go check public records and get the information they need....like the service papers sent to FirstUSA to include them in the Bankruptcy.

    I am not sending them papers because it is they, the CRA that has to do the investigation and send the results to me........I do not have to do the investigation and sent the results to them. However, if they want me to do the investigation.....I am available for a fee.

    I'll play this game with them a couple more times to get the evidence I need to prove they are not investigating. Then I will file a formal complaint with the FTC......and see what happens from there.

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