TransUnion (need expert advise!!)

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by rackt3, Jun 13, 2002.

  1. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    I disputed some information with all 3 CRAs. So far, I've only gotten the results back from transunion (I had 4 disputes with transunion).

    The two items they deleted were a credit card in which I was an authorized user, and a collection accout with GLHEC. Instead of my score going up, it went down 6 points :(

    Here're my questions:

    1. The GLHEC account was listed twice (GLHEC, and USBANK/GLHEC). USBANK\GLHEC was deleted, but GLHEC remained. Can anyone recommend a way to get it out of there? It was a student loan (Paid collection), and it has a "verified" date of 5/1999, opened: 07/1998, and closed: 10/1997. what can I do?

    2. I was 60 days late *once* on a citibank card, and they closed my account. I was never late prior to this incidence, and I have since paid off the account. It's been closed since 04/98, but updated 02/02. Is there any chance for me to either get this off my report or get it to report positively? Do I go to the CRAs, or talk to citibank (I don't think they're very nice though)

    3. I haven't been late on any of my accounts in years now, however, a couple of these currently-open accounts are under "derogatory items" because I've been late once or twice on them. Is there any hope for me to be able to get these showing up positive even though they're open and current?

    Final question... how soon after a dispute can I file for my next one?

    Thanks so much for your help!
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    do a good will adjustment letter for your current accounts with late pays

    dispute the student loan tradeline and request validation from guarantor. it looks like the dates are wrong from your post? if that is true dates listed, that can be used as your reason for dispute.

    you can dispute again now, if you want to, just not the same accounts (yet).

    i don't know about citi... i would use the nutcase letter, since it is paid.
  3. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your response.

    - I'm new to this, could you tell me what a good will adjustment letter looks like?

    - Yeah the dates don't make sense, closed in 97, but opened in 98? So do you mean, I should dispute it with the CRA saying the dates are wrong? or ask for validation first? note: it does say "verified: 1999"... not sure how that would affect it

    -You say I can't dispute the same accounts yet.. the GLHEC was one of those I disputed, but not satisfied with.. so how long should I wait?

    By the way, anyone else have opinions about my situation? I'm hoping to get more ideas as well. Thanks a bunch!
  4. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    yes, do a search on the board for the good will adjustment letter and edit it for your specific situation.

    yes, the cra is not reporting the account as accurate. your letter should say this and they should correct it ( how can it be late before it was opened according to my report datexxxx)

    i would send a validation letter to the student loan if it is not paid or the nutcase series if it is. they are not reporting it right and you want it deleted.
  5. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    We sent the goodwill letter to Citibank for an account with about a 500 chargeoff from 1996 or 97. They were wonderful! They replied in a couple of weeks and then deleted the account from all 3 reports.

    A couple of months later we applied for 2 Citi accounts through the BDD (do a search on BDD if you aren't familiar with it yet) and ended up with a credit line of $17,500!

    The goodwill adjustment letter can work wonders when you've pretty much cleaned up your act.

    By the way, we even offered to pay them the $500. They didn't ask for a penny.

    Citi has some pretty serious loyalty from us these days.

    All the best!


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