They've updated their process for starting investigations.... Good News.... You no longer have to have your Trans Union file number to start an investigation- it's optional! For all the people who got a copy of their report from you now can investigate!!!
What I want to know is WHY do we have to pay for OUR credit reports or scores??????????? Do we have to pay for OUR medical recoreds? Do we have to pay for OUR tax records? Do we have to pay for OUR bank statements? Do we have to pay for OUR/CHILDS college financial aid records? I think we are paying for something that is rightfully ours for free! This sucks! Me and Bud Light are prepared to lead the revolution!!!! FREEEEEEEDOMMMMMMM!!!! - Mel Gibson as Braveheart
Why? Because they lobbyed congress and got a law passed.... That's why. BTW, I have to pay for copies of my financial records when I was in school and I have to pay for copies of my bank statements now.
You're kidding, right? Maybe living in the sticks and not keeping up with progress has it's advantages!
Re: TransUnion Online Investigation Hey this is fantastic info, Bkev! Thanks for passing this along. This actually adds some utility to the WorthKnowing service (since their 100-point scale score is practically worthless, lol). Randy
Re: TransUnion Online Investigation Of course, I think for most people the file number never changed at Trans Union anyway.... unlike EQ and EF report numbers