Hi all - I had a collection account from a furniture store that I disputed with Experian. It came back as verified - however, they deleted it by mistake ) Now my question is this - if they put it back on without notifying me 5 days prior - (I have a copy of my report showing that it is NOT on there) - do I have grounds for a lawsuit? I have worked SOOOO hard over the past six months and finally I have only 3 derogs left - down from 17. I would LOVE to get those 3 deleted. Anybody?
Thanks... I didn't think so, but I just thought I'd ask. Hopefully - they won't put it back. However, they do so many unethical things to people, it would be funny to sue them - not for cash - just for deletions. (I know, I know - two wrongs don't make a right - but still....) Thanks again, Love.
girlie, same thing happened to me about 9 months ago and they still haven't re-inserted...hopefully they won't for you either
Oh, thanks Soup for giving me ** hope **. I have to admit, I felt bad for a minute - but then I remembered that my ex-husband now has that furniture - I didn't want it after our divorce - so he should be the one paying for it anyway! ) Thanks again.
Get a copy now of your report with it not on it... but without all the other notations on the one you got after the dispute. If it doesn't show the account, and it reappears... sue them for reinsertion without proper notice. who cares how it disappeared, it's gone now. If it reappears without notification you've got them... maybe it won't even come back on