As a mom of 3, IMHO we should treat this as we treat a 2yr old's temper tantrum. No matter if they are screaming and kicking in the middle of the grocery store, making you angry and embarrassing the bejeebees out of you; you just have to ignore them, don't acknowledge them, walk off and do your shopping, and eventually they will quit, when they learn that their acting out is getting them nowhere. Good luck.
Yep, let them go and post to themselves -- they'll get bored with no responses. I challenge all c-netters to not respond. Odessa will either have to close all the threads or BAN THE kids and all their heads. Let Odessa ban them, I say! Sassy
I just think he is a moron. He probably has no friends either so he is just used to annoying people so that he feels as part of the group.
The Kid = Kid Slick = [] My thought is he is posting on every link in hopes that the moderator will stop all links with his posts.