First, I think EVERYONE should email a complaint to the FTC. A hundred complaints in a couple days should send up a red flag! edit>> of course, i have no case law on this, but i don't think ANY company gets that many complaints in one day.
Right now, if everyone just emailed the Quest abuse address, they would kill his service within 24 hours. -Sal
Marc, WHAT? you dont have any real case law to back up your statement? - I believe you are giving out misleading information.....LOL <JK> -Sal
In case you missed it earlier... ------------ Hey All, Just a quick update: We had to remove several duplicate accounts today, as having multiple accounts is a direct violation of our TOS. Thanks to all those who helped point out the abuse of our system, and apologies for the delayed response. Due to an erroneous email filter, I was not receiving the Abuse Alert emails until this afternoon. Regards, -odessa ---------------- She's watching. Radi8
Just sent my two emails off. ---------------------------------------------------------- Attn: stan aka the kid aka Slick kid aka CA We tried to warn you and gave you a easy way to "retire (un) gracefully". . .now it looks like you may have bitten off more than you can chew. You might want to start looking for a new job, just in case. . . p.s. i can't see you, but i know you're reading this. . . and it's scaring you . . . isn't it?! What if. . . . .?
DATE-LINE~~MINNEAPOLIS MN...COLLECTION AGENCY RAIDED... 4 vans with BLACKED-OUT WINDOWS full of MACHINE-GUN toting agents stormed a COLLECTION AGENCY early today...the RING LEADER known as 'The Kid' was in leg irons and a straight jacket because he resisted arrest and was screaming "THEY MADE ME DO IT, they refused to accept my CASE LAW on" [TROLL] FREE ZONE
lol Ahhhh. . . if only the FTC could carry semi-automatics. . .maybe the CRAs, OCs, and CAs, might start complying. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. or we could just sue them instead!
I heard one agent saying that when he was reading the kid his miranda rights he kept responding "you can't even talk about credit"
[] means "cool" and "part of the gang" you guys showed the board that over the past few days hey, it is shorthand for saying that you are "part of the gang" and "cool" it's ok to do, Mod said nothing to you, no reprimand let's all do it, it's "cool"!! []
maybe it would be easier for the Army Combat Engineers to come along and demolish the []'s bridge...They can never get enough training...and they really enjoy what they do!