I just signed up for true credit 3 in 1 monitoring. Today, I pulled up my Equifax credit report with the intentions of disputing inaccuracies and discovered that the derrogatories reported on the true credit 3 in 1 do not exist on the actual credit report. So if you do subscribe to a monitoring service, be sure to check the other two reports personally before submitting disputes. It will save you alot of time. Now I'm wondering if I should write a letter to true credit in an effort to correct the inaccuracies. Any advice?
Are you sure that True Credit wasn't reporting the aforesaid derogatories exclusively on your Trans Union report?
No, they were listed in three seperate CRA's. The Equifax report according to true credit had the most derrogatories, when I went to Equifax to see my credit report these derrogatories didn't exist on there at all.
I had a similar experience with a 3-in-1 I pulled from Experian listing something on my EQ report. I was disputing other items with EQ and when I called to get the results of the dispute, I asked about it and it didn't exist on the report. But the mortgage broker I am working with had it listed on his 3-in-1 as well, so EQ offered to send him an updated copy of their report with the item missing. I think it's just because of a delay between what the CRA's report to each other for 3-in-1 purposes, probably only updated once a month or even once a quarter...
ANY third party monitoring service post-processes the reports to make them 'legible' for their customers. This includes, but is not limited to, trying to sync up identical tradelines into one tradeline which can be read side-by-side. True Credit doesn't retain the report data. They pull the data and regurgitate it back to you. They may keep the last report for a while to reduce access time, (and keep from paying for a new report every time that you want to look at it, ) but the don't store a report of their own.