True Credit

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Tinksmama, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. Tinksmama

    Tinksmama Well-Known Member

    Anyone on this board suddenly get a lock on their TrueCredit account?

    I have been a member for well over two years along with my husband. All along I had been checking our credit on a daily basis. All of a sudden the other day they shut down my husband's account because it was being used too much!?!

    My feeling was that his because his account was only being charged the $9.95 price so they pulled this stunt in order to get him to the $14.95 a month rate (I had accidently cancelled mine at one point and when I immediately signed back up, I was up to the $14.95 price)

    Just curious if anyone else had this problem and what their excuse was.

  2. credit1

    credit1 Well-Known Member

    Yes, they do this to people all the time, give you a lame excuse that someone hacked your account and then charge you the higher rate.
  3. gmanfsu

    gmanfsu Well-Known Member

    They did it to me last week. I was only really out a half-month's service and time for the phone call, but still pissed me off. I'm still waiting for the credit I demanded for the time that I had already paid for.

    But I was pulling daily.

    They did it to my wife today. Hers has only been updated 2-3 times in the last 3 months. I'll call on that tonight and give them high holy hell!
  4. desertrat

    desertrat Well-Known Member

    They did something and I had to call in and verify myself with them again. Then they reactivated the account. It's a nuisance, but what can you do?
  5. 720mstry

    720mstry Well-Known Member

    same thing happened to me and I was told they had to review my account even after I verified that it was me. Then a week later it still is locked I called, and was told I had to call another number which I did and they told me that there legal department reviewed my account and my excessive pulls indicated to them either fraud or an attempt to tamper with my credit score. I have been a member since 2003.. mind you the last 6 months I have pulled on average 5 days week. sometimes daily, sometimes only 1 time a week. anyway they told me they permanently cancelled and locked my account & I will have to find another service...
  6. prissypoo

    prissypoo Well-Known Member

    They really shouldn't make "daily pulls" a selling point if you just get in trouble for doing it.

  7. 720mstry

    720mstry Well-Known Member

    anyone have any alternatives I can use since I'm banned from TrueCredit :(
  8. prissypoo

    prissypoo Well-Known Member

    They just did the same thing to me. And I only have 3 inquiries total to begin with.

    Bumpy McBumperson

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