True Credit

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by woofer, Feb 19, 2008.

  1. woofer

    woofer Well-Known Member

    I ordered the true credit 3 in one,and my score was 50 points difference. Highest was TU lowest EX.
    I thought that I would update every day to get any HI off.
    Now I am not so sure this can be done?
    My other question is can I dispute on line?
    I saw on one of my charge offs that EX is showing it as a MEDICAL debt. It isn't and it was sold to a JDB who is now like I said listing it as a medical debt. It is almost SOL so I am wondering if I should just ignore it or should I dispute?
  2. Tegleg

    Tegleg Well-Known Member

    Ok, Truecredit scores are what we call FAKO scores, they don't really mean anything. They can give you a general idea where your problem areas are and areas to work on. The only true score is an actual FICO score you can only get thru, but they are a bit pricey.

    Any disputes have to be done through actual credit reports (not a tri-pull)from the CRA's. Each has a website, the best way is certified mail so that you have a papertrail going. You can dispute online thru each CRA's website but you won't have the papertrail you'll have if you send it certified mail.

    Use caution disputing anything that is not out of sol yet. Be prepared if you "wake a sleeping giant" they might decide to eat you....

    I have some I am sitting on until they are completley out of SOL. If it were me I would wait till that acct is out of SOL then dispute it with the CRA.

    You can pull a new tri report every 24+ hours. It has been said that continued soft pulls from yourself can eventually possibly cause some of the hard inquiries to fall off. It has been said this does not occur with Exp.

    There are dangers though to pulling a new report every 24 hrs. The service may view it as "deliberate attempts to manipulate the credit reporting system" and cancell your acct. This has happened to several people. I don't recommend it but to each thier own.

    Hope this helps & good luck

  3. woofer

    woofer Well-Known Member


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