In the FDCPA in section 809 (the validation section), it is interesting that the word VERIFICATION is used at least 4 times. It is also interesting to look up the definition of VERIFICATION in Black's Law Dictionary & in every other law dictionary you can find. They all essentially agree as to the meaning of the word Verification. And how many collectors come anywhere NEAR providing true verification? None that I've ever heard of. And how many collectors would even CONSIDER providing true verification??? If we can somehow hold the collectors to this level of verification, things would be VERY different for us consumers!!!
· VERTF1CATTON MEANS-"Confirmation of correct less, truth, or authenticity, by affidavit, oath, deposition. Affidavit of truth of matter stated and object of verification is to assure good faith in averments or statements of party. [Sec case law] Sheeley v. City of Santa Clara, 215 Cal.App.2d 83,30 CaLRptr. 121,123. Sworn or equivalent confirmation of truth...In accounting, the process of substantial ing entries in books of account." · The above definitions are from Black's Law dictionary, 6th Ed. "In the absence of a statutory definition, courts give terms their ordinary meeting." Bass. Terri L. v. Stolperr Koritzinsky. 111 F.3d 1325, 7th Cir. Apps. (1996). Plain meaning can be determined by using a dictionary.
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