Just an FYI for those of you who are checking your scores on a regular basis. I subscribe to both TrueCredit and Equifax Score Watch. I have TrueCredit so I can do a daily update to check the progress I am making on certain tradelines, and I have Score Watch to keep an eye on my rising Equifax FICO score. As of today, both were updated and my TrueCredit Equifax score is 565. My Score Watch Equifax official FICO is 631! How and why is there such a difference? I thought usually TrueCredit FAKO scores would be higher, but there is such a big difference, just thought I would share with you all. By the way, Score Watch jumped from 612 to 631 thanks to new Bloomingdales card reporting for the first time.
Truecredit is not a FICO score and means absolutely nothing. It can be off by 100 points so what's the point of even looking? I use Truecredit to monitor my reports and pull scores from myfico.com when I feel there's been substantial progress.
I know that my TrueCredit scores are worthless. I also only use it to update the reports. But my Equifax ScoreWatch score (FICO, right?) is 80+ points more than my TrueCredit Equifax score! Also, what's with Experian PLUS scores? Mine is 100 points higher than my TrueCredit Experian score.
If your score isn't from fico, it has no significance. I will give you scores for 13 cent a point. My scores would be just as valid as true credit or a plus score.