Trying to Clean things up

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by pa1205, Feb 7, 2007.

  1. pa1205

    pa1205 Well-Known Member

    I have noticed that many of the seasoned members of this board mention their fico scores and watch them daily. How does one do this ? And does it hurt your score (I have no points to spare at this time) I was looking at TrueCredit and know that there are several companies out there that probably do this but I want the best one for my money. Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated.
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    If you're just starting the dispute/validation process, there is no practical reason to check your FICO scores unless you're shooting for a certain score; i.e., for a mortgage. With that said, True Credit is the best in my opinion insofar as it allows new reports every 24 hours and also removes inquires from Equifax and Trans Union.
  3. lisa

    lisa Administrator

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