Trying to clean up, but feel very incompetant. Help, please?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Suzie46, Jun 23, 2006.

  1. royalnbn

    royalnbn Well-Known Member

    Suzie and Ofhum,

    I must admit that it is entertaining to read this exchange. Suzie I am cheering for you. I am confident that all will work out for you. Ofhum you are truly thoughtful and helpful. You make us man folks proud.

    Suzie I am most interested in your progress because I upstream from you hoping to arrive at your current position. (645) I have until May 07 to get there so I have a little more time to work with.

    I plan on throwing my forthcoming tax return at my last collections and I have 6 revolving and installments that are going to age off before and up to May 07. Until then I will be using your testimony as motivation.
  2. Suzie46

    Suzie46 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the suppoirt, seriously, because I am alone in this, no one close to really share all of this with, and it has been a real roller coaster ride. In this past week, every day there has been something up, down, and often both. Cap 1 gives me a credit limit increase, and a week later I'm down 19 points because of them. Oh, and while I'm still waiting on exact info, the rental office gave me some info today: My rent will increase about
    $150/month. I need to let them know officially by the end of the month if I'm moving by the end of Aug. (doesn't leave much time) I am hoping to start pre-approval process and start looking for a house (if that will be possible), and get all moved by the end of Aug.

    I had an interview today locally that went well - I'll know more next week, but she said she is interested in bringing me on board. I also have an interview on Monday that is about 2 1/2 hrs away from where I am now. Either would be very nice. Moving locally, or moving quite a bit away - a big question mark. But every day has had highs and lows - very dramatic, and at times overwhelming, especially alone. So I really appreciate everyone's advise and help, and it is good to know that others are crossing their fingers for me. I'll draw on that energy as these next few days come. I expect next business week to bring big news in many ways. (Maybe I need to a couple good drinks to "shut down" for a while, so I can be ready for next week)

    Recap today: Interview (good), huge rent increase (bad), and -19 pts on FICO score (baaaaaad). What a week!

    I also truly hope that others are helped in some way by something they have learned here. It would make this whole trip a little easier knowing something good came out of it for others (says the ultruistic me!)
  3. Suzie46

    Suzie46 Well-Known Member

    A partial update to my disputes.

    This is a partial update, because I still don't have new scores, and I don't expect to have a clear answer on my score for several more days, but I can't wait any longer to give this update. It is mostly wonderful, I think.

    My disputes are done and I have 2 of the 3 updated reports (but no new scores yet). Today was day 30 for TU, so that will take a while longer. As you may know from my posts, this was the first action step I took, and from what I have read, it doesn't sound like this is typical, so I am thrilled at my results.

    With 1 CRA, I have 5 out of 9 items deleted! With the other CRA, I have 6 out of 8 or 9 items deleted! If TU deletes the same items, it may be 4-6 items deleted. There are the same 2-3 items that remain on both CR's, so in the end, I may have 3-5 items to deal with after this.

    I think many of these were deleted because they were older and in some cases they were paid maybe helped, but I think mostly the age. When I spoke to a CRA after the dispute was completed, as they told me the status of each item, when it came to an item that was deleted, they used the words "that creditor is no longer reporting that item" so it got deleted. It's seems after a few years, records may be hard to find (wink) and, ya know, that account is "not mine".

    That gas bill I mentioned in the beginning of this thread - collection #1 - DELETED!

    Now I do have other questions about how to handle the leftovers, and about the "dings" such as old addresses and variations of my name (3 names are listed as me) - does updating these gain points (that's what a sticky said), or does it arm creditors with good info so that I can't hold them accountable for wrong info? I will save most of those questions for another post.

    On one of the CRA report, there are 2 items that will remain, one is a paid medical that is about 1 year old or less, and the other is a $63 medical, unpaid, with a CA. I have tried to get a PFD in a recorded phone call back in the spring (see, I do read!), but they said no, they didn't have to and they weren't going to. I called the hospital to see if they would take the account back so I could work with them, they said once it's gone to CA they don't take them back. And after dispute, it is still there. I don't want a $63 headache for 7 years. I'll take advise on how to handle that one.

    The other item is a paid medical, that was paid within a very short time of CA having it. I have previously written them a goodwill letter to remove from CR, I was denied. And this dispute didn't work either. Suggestions?

    If this helps anyone, I disputed all my negative items, which is not advised here but I think in my case, it worked because my items were mostly older and some paid. Sticking to the recommended 4 items as suggested here may be the best thing in most cases. I also disputed using the online method. I've heard it could get results quicker, but that wasn't true for me - mine took the whole 30 days. (but I had many itmes and maybe that made a difference too). I disputed "not mine" in nearly all of them (there was one I handled differently - I'll explain later), but age of items was a factor here, I beleive.

    I have read till exaustion here, asked questions, and after a long time, took this step and I feel pretty good about results.

    Also, just today I was able to pay those cash advances on my 2 cc's and I now have zero balances on both again, before either of them were due. (I always keep them at zero, but had to use this resource for a couple weeks). My scores took a big hit after I took cash advances. So I watched my scores go down while waiting for dispute resolution. Here are my scores before dispute and the lowest each got up to now:

    Before Lowest
    TU = 653 609
    EQ = 617 575
    EX = 645 513

    Now that cc's are at zero balance again, and now that many items are deleted, I am looking for a big difference in scores soon. Oh, and the 2 items that remained on CR were updated and that gave me a +52 points already! And I'm still waiting for TU response to disputes. So it seems that it will take several more days for the dust to settle before I know what the final scores will be, but I've been itching to report this all to you who have followed this.

    Even though the dust hasn't quite settled yet, I do know many items were deleted, and I have to say THANK YOU to everyone here. Finding this board and this source of info, from the stickies to the posts and responses, have been helpful beyond my wildest dreams. Through the kindness of others who are willing to share what they have learned, we all benefit. People helping people. If only the whole world worked that way all the time, what a paradise we would live in. Many people do, but it's the few who don't that make it harder for us all. Thank, times a million!

    More later.
  4. royalnbn

    royalnbn Well-Known Member

    Suzie keep your head up. About that $63 debt you may consider paying it if you are daring. Why?

    I had a paid collection. I didn't pay the CA. I paid the OC. Later, I DV the collector. They responded with a letter stating I owed the debt.

    Upon receipt of their response. I sent a letter without any particulars listed quoting the portion of the statue that they a furnishing false information and the penalty associated with doing such. I gave them a timeframe to correct. The trick is that I didn't address what the info is. Yes, they contacted the OC and were told that I had paid. they updated my accounts to say paid. I didn't want that so I moved to the next level.

    I next sent the collector a letter stating that I was going to report to the AG of my state and their, and that I was filing a complaint with the FTC, BBB and that I would be seeking a legal remedy if not removed in 5 days.

    Suzie, I got the deletions.

    This not my technique. I got it from the board. I have read others have done it and have had success. The principle the motivated me to use this is that the collector has nothing to gain by holding out or fighting this. They will know the debt is paid. and if they continue to report as unpaid then it is a violation. Beside, they can't legally pull you report if it is paid so they won't have a leg to stand on to investigate the possible inaccurate info. They have nothing to gain by holding on to a worthless account.
  5. Suzie46

    Suzie46 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for that info. Of course it leads me to asking clarification questions.
    (I realize it could sound as if I am challenging, but I really am not - I'm trying to understand it better)

    Once a CA has the debt, can I even pay the OC after that? The OC won't have the bill for me to pay. If they sold it to a CA, that bill is gone. Will they take a payment on a bill that they don't even have? How could they apply it - they don't have the bill.

    While I don't understand how it can even get to this point because of my above paragraph, I do understand the part where after the CA responds to your DV saying you owe, that you don't give the exact details of what you know, but you let them know what statements were false and the penalty for that and gave a timeframe to correct. (if it gets to this step) But then, as you said, they mark it as paid - isn't all they are required to do - update with accurate info? (I ask that, and yet I know there are things to do and I am planning to do more with my leftovers that have been updated with accurate info, so in a way, I can understand this too). But, when you say you send them a letter saying you would report to AG, BBB, FTC, why would they be troubled by this, if they did everything right - if they updated as paid with accurate info, and they did everything right, why would they care if you reported, and why would this move them to delete?

    In a way, there is a part of me that says "stop asking how and why and just do what they are saying - they have done it and it has worked, so just do it." Then there's a part of me that neds to understand things better, because I feel that if I understand better, I can develop the mindset needed and be more able to think for myself, and I'll better understand what I'm reading in all of this info.
    When you said this in this way, that helps me understand, to get the mindset - that was good. Wanting info in this way will help a lot (I think, I hope)

    But they had already said the debt WAS paid and updated as such, so this part confused me.

    My understanding of it now is this: I should TRY to pay the OC and see if they will take it. (I'm thinking they will tell me they can't take it because it belongs to a CA) If they take it, I can send the DV to CA and follow what you said here, and that just the fact that I am giving them grief on an account that has been paid will send them away, but if they update as paid and all is accurate, and then they go away, wouldn't they think they've done all they can do, they reported accurate, the account is paid, and then go away without deleting? Even if you keep upping the ante (sp?) and applying pressure, would they be hard-nosed and stick to their guns or more likely to delte so I'll go away and be done with me? (I bet y'all would like to be done with me, huh? LOL)

    I take it that I am running out of options on how to handle this one, and that trying to pay OC and so forth is my best option. Could I try to ask the OC to take the account back again? Or should I try to have this CA go away and try to work with another CA? Or is there another option that could work?

    On another issue, I think I woke some sleepers, because I have gotten a couple calls (I let machine answer) from Allied Interstate, and from I found out on them on internet, the are a junk debt buyer, so my guess is it's an older account that stopped reporting (I am pretty sure it was not on my CR when I disputed) and now I got their attention, but if that's true, SOL would rule. Imay find out more on another CR soon. I've heard this could happen - that when you dispute you bring attention on and wake some sleeping accounts. I may have traded off some accounts for new ones coming. We'll see. I also started getting calls about student loans again. From what I understand, this is something I just have to take care of someday - no way around it. But I thought I had seem some here say they were able to get deletions with disputes on student loans. My first loans go back to the late 80's, and my last loan was about 1992. I have not gotten a tax refund in years because they take it for these student sloans. And I have to address it somehow so I can buy a house.
  6. royalnbn

    royalnbn Well-Known Member

    I will start with the last thing first. Because this was my thing for a while. Offset student loan. But no more. You can get your tax refund, even if you are in default. The US Gov has a hardship clause. You can tell them that is too much of a financial burden to give up your refund. You can receive all or at least some of your refund. Furthermore, consolidate those loans. Funny thing is. I just realized the other day that i had a loan from 1990 that has been paid thru consolidation and it is reported as a positive account. The other loans that have been paid thru consolidation that were reporting negatively, I disputed as being too old to report. Furthermore, I submitted an income contingency request. I don't have scheduled repayment at this time, because my household size/income states it would be a hardship. I make payment on my own. Still the gov consolidated loan reports each month as pays as agrees on time and that is a 2nd positive line of credit.

    Next, not all debts ar sold to a CA. Some CA are just acting as agents. You won't know until you try. Worked for me with a utility company in florida. Worked for me with an apartment debt copping a hard nose "hell no" deletion position.

    Next point. What do you have to lose if you DV the CA, then tell them they are still reporting inaccurate info. How would they know if they are truly providing inaccurate info. What if the original debt was $2 and they reported it was $50. And you paid the $50. And they are reporting that you paid $50.
    They would be testifying against themselves.

    Or what if you paid the debt because you just wanted it to go away, but it really wasn't your debt. For instance, you are trying to close on a house. Now, you have your house. Sow, you are now coming after them to make matters straight, on point and exact? This is quite plausible. They won't know why you are back knocking at their door.

    What if they initially received inaccurate info from the OC that will make them liable for something. The possibilities are endless.

    Yes, you are playing a head game with them. What do they stand to gain by persisting? The next step. The letter invoking "ITS" and "B&M-ing" to AG and FTC is certainly a bluff on your part. You are trying to get them to toss in their hand.

    What can they do to you if you have already paid the debt? Nothing.

    What do you have to gain if they toss in their hand? Deletion.

    What do they stand to gain if they persist? Nothing.

    What do they stand to lose? Money.

    This is the motivation for them to toss in their hand.

    You can even do this to a CA that you have paid. What do you have to lose?
  7. Suzie46

    Suzie46 Well-Known Member

    That made perfect sense and that helped me understand how to think about things much, much better - THANK YOU! Kinda like a light bulb clicking on now! I think everything I have learned up to this point now makes more sense and I get it better.

    I want to try to pay the OC on that hospital bill. If I send a check or pay on phone by bank debit card, is that giving them info to my accounts that I maybe don't want them to have? Should I pay by money order? Then, I will follow step by step what was suggested here, and updated later. The only question on that topic is...what if the hospital does NOT accept the payment - what should I do then? But I'll cross that bridge if I get there.

    There are a couple of other updates to add - I'll try to be brief.

    1. I noticed that NCO was good about deleteing all of their items on all 3 CR. Some may have been older, some paid, some both, some only1-2 yrs old, but all are gone. Maybe some other people here could benefit from that info.

    2. My TU report was updated with TrueCredit but still no updated scores from anyone, and I didn't get my mail copies yet (any day now). The final result with TU was it looks like they deleted 6 out of 9 items! Each CR now has 2 or 3 collections, sometimes they are the same thing in each, but not always, so I have about 3-4 items to handle now, and the hoipsital bill is one and I now know how to handle that one. That leaves me with just a few more I want to ask about.

    3. I mentioned in my first update that I disputed one item differently than the others and that I would explain that later. I'd like to do that here now. There was a bank account that was old, almost 7 years, and it had 2-3 late payments over an 18 month history. I knew because of age that records would not be found, and I wanted to keep the history but hoiped I could update those late payments as "never late" so it would report positive, not negative. So I disputed as "never late", thinking I'd get a good update by default. In the end, it was deleted. Now maybe because of time, it would have all gone away anyway, and I should leave it alone - it is a derogatory gone. But should I try to get that history back and updated as positive?

    4. One more, for now. I still have to scrutinize more, but there is 1 account I need advise on. Let's call this "Genisis Fin." TU originally listed as Collection, but deleted. EQ originally listed it as collection, in the end, updated to something more favorable because it gained me some points. EX origiannly listed as collection, in the end, updated, and on my updated form (not a CR, just an updated notice) it remains and says "updated" and also has a statement that says "Please contact credit grantor at _____ (phone number). This item was paid. Why do they want me to contact them? Could I get a delete from them if I do - TU deleted, but not the other 2 CRA's. How should I handle that? I know the general rule is "never talk to a CA, and the item is al;ready pay (they are not looking for money), so what could they want, and should I talk to them in this case?

    BTW, I have that same message about "Please contact credit grantor" on one other item - that $63 hospital bill. Again, while generally you should not contact CA, and they have not been cooperative so far, is there a chance we could work something out if I contact? Should I contact them in this case?

    I'll stop here today. Thanks again.
  8. bjm1289

    bjm1289 Active Member

    Suzie, congrats! I am new here and I came across this thread and it makes me like it can be done. I have about 10-14 items to try to clear up but I have until March to do so and like you I've been reading other boards (just came across this one) for *months* making sure to know exactly what to do and I too am still afraid to make a mistake that will refute everything I'm trying to do. It's nice to see that you've made such a significant progress in about a month, it give me hope and I thank you for that.

    To those who have offered advice, I must echo Suzie's sentiments in thanking you. I feel like I'm a fairly intelligent person, I am pursuing my MBA and doing quite well however I went through a time about 4 years ago where I really made some mistakes and I didn't really understand the consequences (I was only 20 @ the time) and it's really overwhelming trying to undo all of the damage. I'm going to start disputing w/the CRA's very soon and hopefully I have as much success as Suzie has had!
  9. royalnbn

    royalnbn Well-Known Member

    Never used a debit card or a check. You can't trust those folks with access to your loot. Send a money order. Or, you can get one of those prepaid debit card with the visa mastercard logo on it. Western Union has one, AMEX, walgreens and many other companies. You have to load funds on it for a small fee. Some charge a fee after a few fundings each month. Some charge $5 to load money. This is what I use to make Ebay and other online purchases and to pay online bills.


    I have been reading Suzie posts and gain confidence with her success and I can report that I have been doing the 1-2 punch and I have had some impressive results. Read the success stories and mimmick them. Do a detail search of each collection agency that you are going to deal with. There is info on all of them on the net. For instance, I was reading a post on creditboards and someone reported that they had a collection with the Credit Store. The said the collection agency is not in business anymore. Other confirmed that fact and they all got deletion when they disputed. I took interest in this because I had an account with Credit Store. I repeat. I had. Deleted.

    Listen just start with a couple of items that are beyond the statute of limitations. DV, then dispute with CRA. Work the steps. Even if after completely working the process to a fruitless end and you get no favorable results, just send a Cease and Desist letter and move on to the next joe blow collection agency.
  10. Suzie46

    Suzie46 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that's what I thougt too. Good idea on those prepaid cards, and I know exactly which ones you are talking about - I've given them as gifts! I will get one and call the OC of that $63 bill on Mon. Going by a past experience last Dec, there is a chance it will work. I'll try that.

    Another update: I got the new CR today in the mail from EQ and I was expecting a new score there too, but I just got a letter letting me know about each item I disputed and the results, and a new CR which reflected those changes. No new scores yet.

    6 out of 9 - deleted
    1 updated to positive area (even though they also say "pd. collection")
    2 remain on CR (one is that $63 thing, the other is a pd. med. collection,
    from a CA)

    I have hope of getting those items gone soon.

    I've also decided to not move just yet. I can sign an adendum to a new lease saying that if I buy a house during the lease, they will let me out of the lease for an extra $200. So I will stay for a few more months, continmue to attack credit, and have some time paid on this new loan to establish that credit as well. I am now hoping to move about Christmas. I think I'll be in a far better position by then. Since I haven't heard about that job interview that would take me away, I'm guessing I didn't get that one. Now I'll stop looking far away. So some decisions are coming together, slowly. I haven't signed the new lease yet, but I will have to on Monday. (gives me more time to prepare for a move too)

    Still waiting for other info to fall into place, and I'll keep everyone posted.

    Reading back through all of this, it's amazing the info that is within this thread - very valuable info from the experts. I've learned a lot, about credit, but also about myself. I feel stronger having gone through this. I was so afraid to take a step (I've had that before in other ways in life; maybe we all have) but going through it makes you stronger and helps you to know that you can do that which is hard and scary. It gives you courage to try other things. It feels good to know that this has helped others too. Awesome!
  11. ArmondoNLA

    ArmondoNLA Well-Known Member

    I've been readin this thread too, and WOW, I'm very proud of you too, and keep up the good work - you are someone that shows what can be done!

    I really like the last lines of your previous post - and you deserve all the good times that's comin' :)

    CONGRATS to you!
  12. Suzie46

    Suzie46 Well-Known Member

    Ok, even though I'm still waiting on some scores adjustments, all of the CR's have been updated, according to TrueCredit. There are only 4 items to deal with, and then there will be zero negs, so I'm hopeful. Also, 3 out of 4 of them are paid items, and then there's that $63 thing! That's it.

    1. Elec. bill from another state.Placed for collect. date = 12/04 paid
    to CA 12/05
    Originally, all 3 CRA's reported this item, but now, 2 of the 3 deleted, but
    one (EQ) did not. They updated to the positive area of CR, and added a
    note that they want me to contact them. What could they want - it's
    already paid? Usually you should not contact CA but it's paid so I know
    they don't want money, and I'm hoping to get it removed by this last
    CRA. I think I should call them, but please advise.

    2. That $63 hospital bill, not pd., but I have a plan now, and if that doesn't
    work, I'll follow the steps - DV, AG/BBB, etc

    3. Phone bill from another state. Placed for collection 3/05; paid12/05
    This is on 2 CRA's. $94 CA = West Asset (that's who I paid)

    4. Medical bill. Placed for collections 8/05 paid12/05 to CA $306

    New CR also shows 12 items in the positive section (history)

    My plan now is to DV these, CM/RRR, but do you think the AG/BBB thing is the way to go, due to low amounts and paid status?
  13. bjm1289

    bjm1289 Active Member

    My only concern is the fact that I none of my obligations are quite out of SOL...I certainly don't want to end up being sued due to the disputing. I also rarely hear from debt collectors and I don't want to "wake the sleeping giant". I will certainly do some more research on each CA/JDB before starting the dispute as you advised.

    My plan right now is to DV the CA/JDB and then follow up about 2 weeks later and dispute with the CRA's....would it be better to just dispute w/the CRA's?
  14. Suzie46

    Suzie46 Well-Known Member

    My results are not typical, I know. I'm not sure if I mentioned this in this thread before, but even if I did, it may be good to remind: although this was my first action in a sense, it really wasn't the first thing I did toward credit repair.

    I knew about 2 years I needed to do something. At that time, I was just ready to make a big move to NC from the north, and I was hoping to buy a house then. I found out then I couldn't due to my CR, so I began to work at this then. I was hoping after some clean up time, I would be able to buy a house someday.

    So I had a plan: I would "stop the bleeding" - I would work very hard to not let new negs get added, and I would do things to add more positive credit. I got a cc, used it carefully, for small things and paid to a zero balnce before date every single month. A year later I was a little better off. I still hadn't found forums like this, so I still didn't know about other things I could do. I am just realizing more about SOL, since I have seen it in effect with my situation. So in that 1st year, I made baby steps toward better credit. A year later, I got my 2nd cc, again, for the purpose of rebuilding and also now to help build a positive credit history, which requires time. During that same 2 year period, old items were getting older. Then I did something that isn't supposed to be done (but I didn't know that then) but in the end, it may have helped a little - I got copies of my CR and started paying some items. I just called the CA out of the blue and said I wanted to pay. Knowing what I know now, some of those were probably out of SOL and I could have kept my money, and I may have been able to get some PFD's, but I just paid them. (I can see the CA's being thrilled with that now!) THEN I found forums like this and became more educated.

    After about 6 months of reading and asking, I finally disputed the negs on CR, but remember, by that time, I had built more positive credit and had items growing older. I think the reason so many got deleted with the 1st dispute is they were older and most were paid. In hindsite, I could have disputed maybe 1-2 years ago and had the typical 1-3 deletes. My "success" is really not so much of a success, when what I should have done was dispute 2 years ago. Waiting to get items deleted 2 years later that you could have is not a success. But I chalk it up to beginner mistakes - everyone has had them, and boy did I.

    This looks good now, but it was about 2 years setting it up. Most posts have said repair takes about this much time, more or less. So I would say over time, my results were average, I just did them in different steps.

    I now realize the importance of SOL. I would advise people to:
    1) Stop adding negs. Pay everything the best you can. Watch cc's/utilization. Watch due dates. Be on top of everything the best you can.

    2) Build positive credit. Get a cc, secured card if you have to, and use it for the small activity each month and pay right away. Build month after month of positive credit. If you get a secured card, be sure it is card that will convert to a regular card after a while. Research cards for that info. (that advise came from another member, I can't claim that advise, but it is excellent advise) Be very careful with cc's - I've seen post where even 1 late payment or 1 mistake can make things worse. Or get a small loan if you can and handle it perfectly each month. Build that positive credit.

    3) Allow negs to get older during that time.

    In 1 year, you'd have no new negs, more positves, and older exisiting negs that you may be able to get deleted if they are out of SOL. Keep building positives, not add negs, and keep an eye of your CR for accounts that reach SOL. 6 months - 1 year later, things should be improved even more.

    It requires being very careful for 2 years, but perseverence will work.
  15. bjm1289

    bjm1289 Active Member

    I do have some of that working for me..the last negative I have was from almost 2 years ago....most of the bad stuff is 2-5 years old which should make it easier to dispute. Also, I really only have one biggie, the rest are smaller ones (under $500) that I would even pay in return for deletion. I recently was approved for an unsecured card (albeit with a small limit) and I'm going to use that to help add another positive. I do have other positives on my CR such as student loans so that also helps.

    Last week, my mom (who has stellar credit...never a late payment in her lifetime) is going to add me as an AU on two of her cards and those have unlimited CL and are paid in full each month so that ought to help as well.

    I also have been thinking about getting a small ($500ish) short term loan from a finance company solely to get a positive loan on my CR. My car is paid off so getting it wouldn't be a problem. I would put the money in a seperate account and just use it to make the payments...sure I'd pay a couple hundred in interest over the 6 mo - 12 mo. term of the loan, but I think it may be worth it...

    I need to start disputing soon!
  16. Suzie46

    Suzie46 Well-Known Member

    Frustrating and sad update

    It's been a week or more since dispute was finished. I finally got final reports from all 3 CRA's. The cc's are showing zero balance again (TrueCredit is showing this). So these reports seem to have all the adjustments in place. But I'm not sure if the deletes are factored in - I woiuld think so by now, but I don't know because scores are still lower than I thought they'd be. My scores came up from the lows they sank to during dispute, but they are about where they were before I started dispute, and I had all of those deletes. I'm not sure if those scores are correct because last week on Thurs, my bank pulled my report, and while she wasn't allowed to tell me the score, she hinted, and I got the impression that it was about mid 600's or a little more. She pulled EQ. My score with EQ today is 621. I don't think this is the score my banker saw, but I really don't know. Also, my score before disputes was 617 - not much of a difference. Frustrating.

    Also frustrating - trying to handle that #@$*% hospital bill for $63. As advised, I tried to get a PFD from OC. Actually advise was to just pay the OC and see if that works, but I want an agreement to delete, so i called the OC. They couldn't make the deal but were helpful. I was told I had to ask the CA for that now, and was given the names of 2 people to speak to that could be helpful in this situation. I asked for the name of someone in the company whom is higher up, in case that didn't work, and was given a name and address. So the OC was helpful in that way, but seemed like her hands were tied. Reluctantly, I called the CA. I was fuming by the end of that short phone call.

    I asked to speak to one of the 2 names i was given, and long story short, I was given the run around. Even deceived - the 1st person I spoke to pretended to come back as one of the people I asked for saying "Can I help you" as if she was the one I was put on hold waiting for, but I knew she was the same person, and I asked "What is your name please?" and she ID'd herself as the original person I spoke with. She later put another person who said she was a manager but still not one of the ones I was looking for. By noiw I had asked many times for specific people and got the runaround. This "manager" (who I think was just the neighbor to my first person and not a manager) wanteds to know what I wanted, and when I wouldn't tell her (just repeated my request to speak to others) she began saying "I see in the notes you were looking for this to be removed from CR" (that request came back in the spring, not today), then sahe asked if there was anything else, I said to have an agreement to pay if it was deleted. She asked me to verify info, I told her I hope she understands that I need to protect my privacy, and it was a little later before she finally gave the miranda. It wasn't long before the call ended - she basically said they won't remove because they didn't do anything wrong, notices were sent, etc, they could update as paid but that's it. I said "It appears I'm not able to speak to (those other people i was asking for) so goodbye."

    I am trying to pay this - I only ask for delete. It's a low amaount and has already effected me for over a year - i think that's enough price to pay. I am willing to settle this and I think I'm being fair. What is the F'ing reason to be such a$$holes about it? They paid pennies for this account and can collect the full amount if agree to delete - sounds like a win-win to everyone. So WTF? I have a web site - I am writing the CEO, or the President of the company or all of the 9 names I see listed there. GRRRRRR!
  17. ofhumbon

    ofhumbon Well-Known Member

    maybe try to just pay the oc and see what happens.
    since it is such a small amount, you don't have much to lose.
    that would be the easiest and quickest way to go.
    if they cash your check, then the debt is paid and tell the ca to take a walk.

    i know you probably know this already, but sometimes when a neg tradeline is removed, you lose some of your credit history, so your score takes a dip.
    the fact that the neg is removed weighs more in the long run.

    also, sometimes the fako score can be lower than your real fico score.

    when you apply for a mortgage, they usually take your middle score, so take that into consideration.

    some great progress though!

  18. Suzie46

    Suzie46 Well-Known Member

    But what if they accept payment without deleting? That's what I really want. The CA isn't bothering me (except when I try to work with them on this), then they irritate me) The OC said they'd take the payment, report it to the CA who would update as paid. So I'm not sure just sending in payment will produce the results I want. What if I send a money order and write "accepting this payment is agreement to delete from CR", and then if they cash it, there is a written agreement to delete. What does anyone think of that idea? (kinda like what the CA's are doing, as I read in other posts - hearing this phone message means you confirm you owe the debt(from Maxed), and sending letters "addressed to my estate and asking my next of kin to please supply the name of the executor of my will so that they can collect on this debt." (from LRM216) - except it's being doing it to them.
  19. ofhumbon

    ofhumbon Well-Known Member

    i'm not sure legally how that would work, but if a check or money order is made out to the oc predated to the time you were supposed to pay the debt, you'll have a copy of it, and maybe you can use that as proof to show you paid the oc and put the ca out to pasture.

    it might even be an inhouse collection team anyway.

    once the debt to the oc is paid, it would definitely be easier to get a deletion eventually.

    you are definitely behind the eight ball as long as you owe the debt.
    the ca is probably not going to budge now that they know you are trying to clean up your report and still owe the money.

    i did find that most of my ca accts came off pretty easily once i didn't owe the debt anymore.

    i can't think of anything else in this situation that would be effective.

    maybe if you called the oc everyday, they might get sick of you and give in to your demands!

    if anyone else has any other ideas, now might be a good time to post, otherwise i'm out of ideas on this one.
  20. Suzie46

    Suzie46 Well-Known Member

    Good news, I hope.

    That $63 hospital bill - I just got a PFD.

    I called the OC girl (manager) back today to let her know how bad my effort went yesterday with the CA. I gave her details of the way one girl tried to trick me, how she put another "manager" on but I didn't think it was a manager (she asked the name, I told her, and she didn't confirm that it WAS a manager so I still think it wasn't). This OC manager (the real one!) put me on hold and contacted the CA girl that she wanted me to talk to, came back to me and said that if I call that CA manager and pay today she would delete. I got a pre-paid Visa, called her, and confirmed that this would be taken off all 3 CRA's, not to be reinserted, she said yes. She said she made notations on the account to say this. This next part makes me a bit nervous - I asked if I could have that in writing, she said she couldn't do that. Then I asked if she could verbally tell me that is what she'll do, she said yes. I did not hear miranda, but I recorded, so I have that if needed. She said she would send a receipt to my address, which they already had anyway (I have their previous mailings)

    I just hope there isn't some trick up their sleeve. I paid it in with that agreement. I feel better about the OC helping to set that up. I don't think I would trust it at all if this was only with the CA who have been uncooperative always.

    Feeling nervously ok about that one now. Looking forward to the receipt, and deletions in a few days (that's how long she said it would take.) But beware: I had a deletion back in jan of this year that reappeared yesterday (another thread about that) I have a copy of the letter to delete, so I can use that to get removed again, but that doesn't stop things from coming back on, accident or otherwise. Keep on top of your CR's. And save documents.

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