I think that I can speak for most of us, "we" do not recommend CROs. Reasons: --What they claim to do for you you can do for yourself --Sometimes overpriced/expensive --They sometimes make allegations that are not true ie could lead to legal issues, forgery, lying, etc --You will not have a record of what letters they sent so that if you ever get a good case going, you have no way to show its legitimate or prove it (you will have no paper trail) --You may have to use other tactics ie validation, settlements that will not work if you do not know what the CRO is about to do next or have already done (and again, no paper trail) But if you have the time and money, so be it. If you want me to, I will do it for free ) Anyone else have input?
Ok... I looked and looked and found one to suit your needs.... 1. Stand up 2. Walk to the nearest mirror 3. You are looking at him. You are your own best weapon!!
Read this bored, ask Question and do it yourself. I clean up two report, Equifax is giving me trouble but I am working hard on it.