Trying to Rebuild

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by AftDivorce, Nov 25, 2009.

  1. AftDivorce

    AftDivorce New Member

    I was divorced in 2005. I have since been trying to rebuild my credit that my ex-husband destroyed.

    All the joint accounts that we had were closed at the time of divorce and paid in full, so I don't have the typical problems that other's do with debt after divorce.

    There are multiple of these joint accounts that show 30 or 60 day late payments on them.

    If I try to send "goodwill" letters to have these lates removed, will it also help out my ex-husband as well???

    I have become quite credit conscious since the divorce and my scores have increased drastically. My ex on the other hand still have some major issues with his credit and with the way he still treats me, I don't want to help him AT ALL.

    2nd question, is it worth it to send these good-will letters on accounts that are closed or am I better off waiting a few more years till these fall off?

  2. squidzilla

    squidzilla Well-Known Member


    There is no harm in sending a GW letter on a closed account. The worst they can say is "no".

    If you're truly serious about rebuilding your credit, you'll overlook the fact that some of your actions may also benefit your ex-husband. Is it worth cutting off your nose to spite your face?
  3. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Send the letters. You also need to establish some new credit.

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