TU claims verified (incorrectly)...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by vindale, Mar 23, 2005.

  1. vindale

    vindale Member

    I've got two TL's on my report from Duquesne Light Co. One is for my current account (#...X2), the other is from an account at my last apartment (#...X1). The old account was closed in 9/1999, and is showing up on my report as:

    Duquesne Light Company #6001XXXXXXXXX1
    Loan Type: Utility Company
    Remarks: Closed
    Balance $0
    Date Verified: 03/2001
    High Balance: $0
    Pay Status: >120 Days Past Due<
    Account type: Open Account
    Responsibility: Individual Account
    Date Opened: 09/1998
    Date Closed: 03/2000

    I disputed the TL and just recieved a response back. They are showing "Verified, No Change" for both accounts. The current account is showing a Date Verified of 03/2005, but as you can see above, they are still reporting 03/2001 as the date verified for the old account.

    Based on that, it looks like they only verified the current account, not the old one--but they are claiming to have verified both. Does that seem accurate (I mean, is my reasoning accurate)? If so, what are my next steps?

    Similarly, for a closed account with $0 balance, can the pay status be 120 Days past due?

  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    They are simply reporting the facts. Were you past due 120 days on the old account? If you were, then they can report it as such. Just because the account is now closed with 0$ balance, does not mean that it was not 120 days late. They can report adverse information for 7 years
  3. vindale

    vindale Member


    Two questions:

    1) I thought the Pay Status was supposed to show my current payment status, which should be paid or paying as agreed? At least that's what it shows on other closed and current accounts, even ones with previous lates.

    2) I don't think I ever was 120 days past on this account; in the section of the tradeline that TU uses to show late payments (30, 60, 90+), there are no lates shown. Even if I had been, shouldn't it appear in this section rather than the Pay Status section? As I'm understanding it, this is currently appearing as an account that is currently 120 days past due, not one which was 120 days past day in the past.
  4. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    How can you be 120 days past due on a utility bill without getting your power turned off, unless the account was not paid when you left and it took 120 days to pay the final balance?
  5. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Have you checked with the utility company? What do they say they are reporting?
  6. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    "account closed / balance=$0 / was 120 days"
    nothing wrong with this information being reported IF it is correct

    You could try to dispute as "never late"

    If your other TL's are not reporting lates, well you are lucky !
  7. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Ask them to explain how an account that is closed with 0 balance and 0 amount due could be 120 days late
    They are reporting incorrect information
  8. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    High balance: $0 ???
  9. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Is 3/2000 consistent with a move-out date, such as 1 month after you moved, enough time to pay the final bill, but not enough that the final bill could have been 120 days late?

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