Wow, it's so nice to be able to post here. I really REALLY hope someone can tell me where to start and first things first. I have all three reports and they are in the mid-high 500's. My TU has zero neg, too many inq's (but I need a card). There are only 2 older trades (1 unrated) and nothing else. BUT... in working on this TU some of the same CA's reported to XPN & EQF also and theyâ??re still there. How do I get them off the others without them reporting back to TU? Then ... my main question is in the DV process, do you go after the CRA first with "not mine" or do you go directly to CA with "prove it"??? Oh no, Iâ??m sorry.. MAIN Question: Who in Texas will give me a card with these scores in Texas pulling TU only. I have a list of TX TU only (wholpulledmycredit + personal gathering is GREAT) but what SCORE will they need. Okay and since Iâ??m here I bmight as well give you my main, main MAIN questionâ?¦ Situation: In the process of cleaning my TU, my bank pulled a cr in order for me to open an account (although I did NOT apply for a line of credit) and itâ??s a hard one on my report. I donâ??t really want to fight over it but I do want to know if my TU is clean now, do you think thereâ??s a chance they still have that report if I did not apply for anything except a cr? If not, would it be safe to apply for a line of credit with them? Itâ??s only been a little more than a month. This board is GREAT but it can be a bit intimidating as well as overwhelming. Just consider me DUMB and any you can give is GREATLY appreciated. Take it real slow and give me what you've got.
first things first - welcome if i haven't said so already. second - opt out and have all old/inaccurate personal information deleted. third - when disputing, start with the 1-2 punch, which is basically a "prove it" letter sent CMRRR to CA. once you get green card back send dispute to CRA CMRRR. next you want to open a SECURED credit card. don't worry about unsecured at this point, all you will get is Cap 1 and Orchard - not worth it IMO. I hear Bank of America has a good secured card for $250. i don't have one so don't quote me on that! each time you apply for something lenders tend to pull a new report. you aren't dumb at all! dumb would be not asking the questions necessary to improve your credit situation. feel free to post any/all questions and we will get to them when we can. we can't always guarantee a fast response but we WILL get to it!
Thanks so much. This is the exact plan of attack I plan to implement. One thing I'm conscerned about is if I dispute things with EQF 7 EXP that has been deleted from TU will this awake the sleeping giant (CA) who previously reported to all there and thus find this back on my TU? Also since my post, I have read several post from Lizardking and a cuople of others who have filed suit against the CRA for not providing "valid" verification and the WON!!! This of course seems uite a bit extreme and indeed takes much nerve and knowledge (which is always POWER). By the time I go through the DV process and if they do not provide adequate information, do you think I would be playing russian roulette if I went this far? I've read a lot who take no though as to filing suit for non comliance. What do you think? Thanks again!
Re: Re: TU Clean EQF & EXP NOt - 500's (TX) Just out of curiosity, why do you say that about Orchard? I got a MC from them in 10/03, and they've raised my limit 4 times ($1k now). With the exception of two months, I've paid it in full every month.
Re: Re: TU Clean EQF & EXP NOt - 500's (TX) because the fees are high, credit limits low, and not a very good interest rate. i got a secured credit card through my credit union recently - no fees, rate 6% fixed, $500 deposit and after one year you go unsecure to double to whatever your secured limit happens to be (provided you have a good payment history). since my savings account happens to be this secured account and i stash away a couple hundred there per month after one year my unsecured line should be about $5k.
Re: Re: TU Clean EQF & EXP NOt - 500's (TX) before anything can be reinserted, the CRA must notify you in writing ahead of time. since i have never had a CRA notify me and something gets reinserted, i simply send a letter saying "you reinserted this without notifying me now delete it".
Re: Re: Re: TU Clean EQF & EXP NOt - 500's (TX) wanted to add that it is great that they worked for you but consumers should explore all their options before settling for a subprime card. <<i wish someone would have told me that before i opened a crap one card>>
Re: Re: Re: TU Clean EQF & EXP NOt - 500's (TX) Thanks for all of the response. Last night I worked up my nerve to apply for the AT&T Universal card. My TU was 662 and I hear they onlypull TU in Texas. They did not flat out deny me. The response said something like "thank you for applying... your app is being considered and may require some additinal information." That really make me nervous but whatever happens it's okay. At least I know I'm on my way to recovery. Now to tackle these other CRA's. If I can't get a prime card I'll check with BOA for a secrured card. I'd rather wait on a prime card thant to go sub prime ever again. Thank again.