TU disputes received back... What to do next?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Chadmom, May 27, 2012.

  1. Chadmom

    Chadmom New Member

    I went online and disputed about 5 accounts. I didn't realize
    should have only sent between 3 or 4 at a time.
    Four were deleted/removed and one was verified.
    So what do I do next? I am new to this and do not expect to my mistakes to go
    away over night.


    Do credit bureaus report results of dispute to each other?
    It looks like all but one that was deleted from TU is still on the other two.

    Do I need to dispute those now? Do I need to space out the time I dispute with each different agencies? I read that you need to wait 90 days before sending more disputes. I don't want
    to mess it up.

    Thank you so much for any help. I got my TU score up from 549 to 625. Yay!
  2. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    Congrats on all the deletions and the improvement in your scores! You'll need to dispute separately with each CRA, but there's no need to wait if you haven't already disputed through that specific CRA.
  3. Chadmom

    Chadmom New Member

    Awesome! Thank you.
  4. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Chadmom, there is something that you'll see here referred to as CHOD (CreditNet Holiday of Disputes), basically, right at Thanksgiving, people would send disputes of as many accounts as they could to each CRA, to hopefully get as many deletions as possible because of the number of holiday days in that 30 day window. :)

    Really, there aren't too many hard and fast rules about how many disputes to make at once, I recently did 30+ trade line disputes at once; that said, it may be easier to manage a fewer number, just in case there needs to be follow-up work to get rid of a few stubborn trade lines, which is why my next rounds of disputes focused on only 5 accounts that were verified despite being incomplete, inaccurate, and unverifiable.

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