We've heard that about EFX. Is TU next? I've been pulling my TU online report weekly. Suddenly... poof. All the hard INQs prior to 11/2001 are now gone. Perhaps their system is not used to handle too many soft INQs, and behaves just like EFX's, where hard INQs are being purged by excessive soft (disclosure) INQs. Saar
I'm beginning to think that pulling it regularly is a healthy thing to do. I'm going to pull mine daily for awhile. Doc
Several months ago TU deleted every hard inquiry on my report after I disputed a few of them. I racked up a few more then disputed some back off. I was left with 2 from April then last week they disappeared also (no dispute) so now I'm back to 0 again. I only wish this would happen on EX )
Well I only have 2 on TU, so I don't guess they will be deleting those. The one I'm interested in is Equifax. If they're gonna delete a bunch, I might change over to broadband - cable. Cox pulls equifax for everything. They have a really good deal on phone, internet, and cable TV, but I am just not going to take an inquiry to get it. Unless, of course, all the others are gone I imgaine that the consumer awareness has resulted in decreased applications for a lot of things. I know I hear it a lot when people want auto quotes "no, I don't want another inquiry" is a common response.
I paid DIRECTV for 12 months in advance (on my credit card)...NO INQUIRY...and I didn't give the SS# (not that they need it)...
How do you pull a tu report and see the inquiries? Or are you disputing something every week and they send you a hard copy after the dispute is done? When I pull tu online, I only see basic account info with no balances and inquires are nowhere to be seen.
When you log into TU's website with the user name and password they give you, it should bring you to your report, and when you score almost all the way down, it lists inq's, and then your score.
Thanks m.c. Do I have to pay for a password? How do I get a password? I have a tu report dated 6/19. I just went online and used the same file number to see my report. It will not bring up inquiries but I also don't have a password. Obviously my technique is not adequate.
Go to www.transunion.com . Click on "Order and View your Personal credit report and score" which is located on the left side. Scroll down to FACTOR 1. Click on "order and view online" next to "If you have been denied credit, employment, or insurance." On the next page, click on "order now". Click "agree" on the next page. On the next page, fill out your personal information. As long as you answer the questions correctly, it will give you a user name, and it will e-mail you your password (so don't use a fake e-mail). Now you'll be able to view your complete report and score online for 6 days. Repeat as necessary.
Thanks again m.c. Now I understand. I take it that tu is pretty good about letting us log in and get a new password when we justify it to them. I thought that maybe we could do this once a year. But what you say makes sense.
Well let me clarify something. When you click "I was denied credit..." , they're going to ask what is the creditors name, and when (what month) were you notified of being denied. This is information (that if you truly were not denied)you're going to have to make up. Doesn't matter who you use, just any bank and date within the past 60 days. So, they're not that "pretty good about letting us log in...." LOL. We're just good at getting in to our own reports without having to shell out $'s each time we need to correct something.
m.c. many thanks. Say no more. I view this as a little creditnet tip that I did not know. Thanks for clueing me in.
that's great to know!! I'd love to get some of my inquiries off TU--I have about 10 or 11. Yuck!! Is there any way to see Equifax too? Without signing up for their credit program? I don't want to sign up yet, not until the end of the year. TIA
Has ANYONE had success getting inquiries deleted from TU by calling someone? If so, how did you approach it and what did you tell them to get it deleted. I have disputed online several times and get the standard "permissable purpose" line. I have several CA's that are just popping inquiries every other month or so.
Interesting...I compared an online TU report I ordered today with a hard copy from a few months ago, and two inquiries disappeared ten months before schedule. Another slightly older one is still sticking around, though, but they're all hard inquiries tied to my car purchase (fake TU score remains the same, though). Dr. Joclyn Elders thinks so, too wajaba
Did the tu trick and it worked. I got a free report. Thanks again as I had no idea we could do this. But something odd happened. When I looked at my promotional inquiries I saw 14. Last months paper report had 8. Most of the additional 6 were from long ago and just showing up now. They should have been on last months report. I will go online and check my tu report weekly now like saar, but I think the inquiry part of the credit report is all screwed up. I would hate to pull a paper report and see a couple of inquiries and then have a creditor pull it online and see more inquiries. I am confused. Thanks for the tu trick saar and m.c. All else on the tu online report was as I expected and matched the paper report.
Rotfl... Doc P.S. I am sitting in an almost-empty house at 2:30 a.m. Saturday morning. Today (well, tomorrow according to my screwy internal clock) we'll spend the day cleaning this place up. Sunday we drive to Memphis. Monday the moving van arrives. Still, my Creditnet addiction beckons.
Mindcrime, if you access your report via the user id and password, is it the same report you saw on day 1 or is it a report dated the next day or 6 days later? I always disregarding the password/user id because I had no need to re-access a report once I saw the info and/or printed it.
Question guys, Do you just use the "credit tip" each week to get the free report? If so does it affect your credit report in anyway? Also does this work for the other two CRA? Thanks in advance