When you do the "tu trick", the same report can be accessed for 6 days. Not 6 reports updated daily. if I am understanding correctly, log in every day anyway with the idea to overwhelm yu with inquiries so that older hard inquiries will be deleted. Saar ? m.c. ?
I understand! Each time you access that same report you are creating soft inquiries. After a pre-determined #, their system will begin to delete hard and soft inquiries to get below that limit. That's a great tip! Thanks guys!
So we log into our account view our report for the six days then after six do you start all over again? Also does this only work at TU?
I just did this with TU & I had sent in a dispute letter on June 6 with proof enclosed of false information on their report & not one thing has been changed!! I'm ticked.
Does anyone have any general idea of how many inquiries it may take before the system starts deleting? Is it 100, 2 pages, any clue at all?
there is no guarantee that this trick will work. It's just that, it can't hurt. I'm doubtful it will work for me, I don't have that kind of luck!!!
Lisa, It's the same report for the full six days (unfortuntely). Not as good as EX, I know, but nice to be able to check your report whever you want, online, instantly.
Today, the 13th, I pulled a new tu report. I was disapointed to see no soft inquiries from the last week. Not one. I expected to see at least 1 and possibly 6 as the result of last weeks tu report I pulled.