TU ignoring verification request

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dando, Sep 20, 2004.

  1. dando

    dando New Member

    Hey there- Im a newbie...
    I recently sent a letter of disupte to TU requesting verification of several negatives. They sent me back a form letter that more or less- how long each kind of negative could stay on a credit report- this was genral info not specific to me- they did not address any of the issues I raised in my letter! I sent the letter via certified mail.

    Should I wait the 30 days from the date of their receipt and send a more forceful follow up letter? They basically ignored my request for verification completely!

    I sent the same letter to experian and they are condicting the necessary investigation- one negative has already been deleted!

    Whats the dealio with TU?!?! What should I do????

    Thanks everyone in advance for whatever advice you may have...
  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    The dealio is that you got the "standard TU Blow-off letter". They send this out in an attempt to discourage your attempts to correct your CR.

    Just wait the 30 days, and if they do not comply to the letter of the law then you take the next necessary steps
  3. anewleaf

    anewleaf Member

    FWIW - I sent my first dispute letter to TU not too long ago and got a letter back from them shortly after I got my CMRRR green card back. It was very generic, asking for copies of chapter 7 discharge papers & lis of creditors as well as the list of how long different items can report, like what you got. But about 28 days after they signed for my original letter, I recieved a true response from them telling me what they did, including a copy of my revised credit report. I think that letter must just be a standard response from them.

  4. dando

    dando New Member

    oh that nakes sense I suppose- but the letter is vague and doesnt indicate that they are going to investigate- they state in the letter that this is their response, which makes me think they are done and nothing else is fothcoming.

    If I don't receive anything else in the 30 day limit should I:

    1. send a letter that states that they have not responded to my initial request for verification within the time constraints as stipulated by law and that they did not meet their obligations under law in researching and verifying each of the disputes i raised wihtin the aforementioned time frame

    2. send the above letter with a copy of my initial letter and a copy of the return receipt that established the time frame

    3. advise them that I am asking again?

    Or tell them that since they did not respond that I will take my case to the next level with the appropriate government office?

    Can they bypass their culpability by citing that they did send me a response within the time frame even though that response was a simple list of time frames that each kind of negative can remain in a credit report? Technically this is not a response to my specific request for verification but does it count nonetheless?

    (The interesting thing is that experian got right on it and sent me a letter staing that they have 30 days to investigate and get back to me- they have an online tracking system that i can monitor throughout the 30 days)

    Is TU just a lot more difficult to deal with?

    Also- per the earlier post that said you received a request for other info etc...I did not receive this- all i got was a the generic letter I described earlier...

    Should I send them a letter now that states that I am not satisfied with this generic response and that I demand that they investigate and verify per my legal right to request this? Is it better to wait out the 30 days and then play hardball with the leverage that the time lapse gives me?

    Gee thats a lot of questions....but thanks to whomever adds their insight...
  5. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    This is just a form letter confirming the dispute (although it doesn't specifically), and giving you information on how long things can remain on your credit report as per the FCRA.

    Wait out the 30 days (from the date you received the green card), and allow up to 5 days for the results to get to you, and you will more than likely receive the true response, and an updated copy of the credit report.
  6. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Sending anything to them before the end of the 30 days, gives them an extra 15 days, in addition to the 30 days.

    Don't do anything until the 30 days (from when you received the green card, is the best day to start counting from), and 5 days for mailing has elapsed.

    TU should be a whole lot easier to deal with than EX (Believe me) :)

    Especially if this is your first dispute, they'll just let you know about the time-tables in the FCRA, while they are processing the dispute.
  7. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    NEVER, NEVER, NEVER send a CRA any copies of anything....!!!!!! ESPECIALLY BK PAPERWORK!!!

    it is up to them to report accurately, not for you to do their job
  8. dando

    dando New Member

    thanks everyone- I will just wait out the 30 days +5 and see what happens.

    I feel a little reassured that they will in fact respond now. I thought they were just blowing me off.

    If they dont Ill do the follow up routine...
  9. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member


    You'll know when you're being ignored, when you wait more than 3 months for a reply from them, and they only respond with a form letter. THEN YOU'RE BEING IGNORED... (Can you tell that I am being ignored today? :))

    I am so glad I wrote my reply before I got ticked... :) and of course, I know my blood pressure went through the roof by now...
  10. lin

    lin Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: TU ignoring verification request

    You may be interested in this! Not sure if it will come to anything but at least the Federal Reserve is looking into the way disputed information reported to CRA's is being investigated! http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/press/bcreg/2004/20040805/default.htm

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