TU Not reporting as disputed...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by lefty44, Dec 3, 2002.

  1. lefty44

    lefty44 Well-Known Member


    Green card signed as rec'd by TU on 11/19/02

    Disputed two tradelines

    Pulled TU "Personal" credit report from their website today, 12/03/02...says personal credit report not seen by others.

    Sent original dispute to Fullerton, CA....based on where I live, should have sent to Chester, PA


    1. Because I pulled the "personal" credit report offered by TU, does this in anyway explain why the two accounts are not reflecting a reinvestigation in progress?

    2. Because I originally mailed to Fullerton, CA address, would this be a valid reason for them not starting the reinvestigation and marking the accounts as "in dispute"?

    3. Have I given them additional days to complete their reinvestigation by mistakenly sending my dispute to Fullerton, CA,....or does the received day of 11/19 as marked on the green card still start the 30-day clock?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Maybe others have seen it, but I have never seen TU show on the credit report when items are in dispute. They say it is because their software does not allow for them to do it. I think this was one of the things on Marie's list of things that TU could be sued for.

  3. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Nodding (or is that tilting) with Whyspers!!!!!!!!

    TU's system isn't capable of showing items as disputed.

    Their system has built in violations. Search on Marie and TU for a great read. If the search isn't working or you can't find it, let me know and I'll find some links for you.


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