I have a collection that I had paid some time ago but it is still listed as unpaid and shows a balance on my TU. I disputed to all 3 and got deletions from EXP & EQ, but TU verified. Sent in a procedure letter to TU and they gave me just the address of the company, no contact name or phone number. Then I tried to redispute this account this month in the spirit of the holidays but the dispute was deemed frivolous. Unfortunatly I dont have any receipt showing that this collection was paid other than a credit card statement and don't want to risk getting this back on my other 2 reports by calling the CA. I was thinking of filing small claims against TU and seeing what happens. I'm hoping they will think its easier to just settle for a deletion. Any ideas or comments please.
I will try to get some documentation without rocking the boat before filing a suit. I think you might be able get the info from the CA without having it re-appearing on your reports. How old is this anyway? I was in a similar position with a paid chargeoff with Verizon, I called and explained to the csr that the CRA's are trying to screw me reporting my account incorrectly and needed their help in a form of a letter. I first couple of people blew me off but the third agreed to send me a letter saying the account was paid in full and they closing it as per my request. I used that letter to get the account corrected and eventually removed. Give it a shot.