TU Priority Dept

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by charlieslex, Jun 21, 2002.

  1. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Has anyone heard of this? I called TU's regular # and they said they can't access my file, because my file is at the Priority Dept. Charlie
  2. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I just got off the phone with the Priority Dept. She was shocked how I got the #. Comes to find out my file is with a special supervisor only. The regular CS cannot pull up my report. I feel "so impotant". I think that this is due to the fact that I have sent letters to the BBB (joke), FTC, and the Texas Att Gen. She wouldn't say why she had my report, but she sure did want to know why and how I got her #. Here's the # so ya'll can be "impotant" also. I think her name is Sherry 714.738.3800 X-6024. Tell her Doc gave you the #. She is an idiot. She argued with me about having an Att Gen tradeline on my report. TU deleted it. She says the Government doesn't put accounts on CR's. She didn't know what to say when she found one back in Jan. Tell her Doc gave you the #.Charlie
  3. ted75

    ted75 Well-Known Member

    Her name is Sheryl Adiao. She's an administrative assistant for TU's Fraud Department (southern Calif). Correct phone number. As an admin in this dept, I think she's just a notch above their regular CSRs...

    Yeah, she appeared a bit ditsy when I first spoke to her...but, after I settled with them, she's been great to me... I even sent her roses...along with a gift for the guy who did all the negotiations...
  4. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

    wow, aren't you special, mister ...

    I got into an argument with the TU rep yesterday. They have my Sallie Mae loan listed twice, same account number, one with 70 month installment loan and balance of $6200. the other tradelinee with 70 months at $6132. Both shown as opened in February, both shown as too new to rate.

    I had disputed last month as one being duplicate of the other (DUH!) Never dreamed that they couldn't get this right. They say they verified with SallieMae. SallieMae says they only have one tradeline. And it is reporting correctly on Eq and Exp. Imagine that?
    Now, TU says I have to deal with SallieMae to get it corrected, if in error, that they have verified and that's all they intend to do.

    Second issue, I refinanced my house with same company, kept same length of time left on loan, just reduced the rate. Equifax and Exp again are both showing the correct information. TU is showing it as a paid account as of Jan2001. ????? Told them it was open account, not paid. Guess what ? came back as verified, no change. When I told rep this was wrong, she asked me why I didn't want this to be shown as paid account?

    I told her she had obligation to post only 100%accurate information. She basically blew me off.

    Wonder if I'm now on some sort of list because I told her I would do all my research, and if she didn't correct or delete, I would sue...
  5. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

  6. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I was making a joke out of the situation. They are such a joke. ;) Charlie
  7. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

    I am laughing with you. Need to start writing my letters I guess, and getting ready to stand in line at the Post Office
  8. pbm

    pbm Administrator

    I strongly advise against this as I fail to see the benefit in referring to one of our members by name. In the best case it would make no difference; in the worst case Doc's handle could be traced back to his real name. Given TU's confirmed monitoring of our board the latter represents a real possibility.

    Feel free to continue sharing such information but please do so without jeopardizing the identity of our members.

  9. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I apologize pbm. I meant it only as a joke and only refered "Doc" not that anyone would be hurt by it. Again, I apoligize if someone took it another way. Charlie
  10. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member


    We have so much in common! Sallie Mae did the same to me...I got it fixed by desperation (a motto of mine)....I went up and up and up the ladder at Sallie Mae until they finally corrected it!!!

    Don't stop till you see the top...::::doing Michael Jackson impression::::::::::: Whoohooo

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