TU removed a good trade line?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dmspanish, May 16, 2002.

  1. dmspanish

    dmspanish Member

    In 1996 my mortgage company initiated the foreclosure process on my house. I caught up on the arrearages and since 1998 (48months) I have made all payments on time.
    I disputed with TU to remove "foreclosure initiated". Instead they removed the entire trade line. On my husband's report they showed it closed bt credit grantor on 3/2002.

    What should I do? I'm new at this and don't know if I should leave it alone because of the "foreclosure initiated" or should demand they fix it because of the 48 month good payment history?

    Please help

  2. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I think that TU's stance is that if there is an inaccuracy of any kind on your tradeline they delete the entire tradeline. Charlie
  3. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    If they initiated forclosure I would assume you also had serious delinquencies showing on the account. I think you might want to let some more time go by and then contact your mortgage company directly to ask them to report the tradeline. I think after 36 months the lates hurt you considerably less. You might get lucky, though, and when they re-report they may not be there. I wouldn't contact TU about this, again, if I were you. Just deal with the mortgage company.
  4. erik776

    erik776 Well-Known Member

    If you have 60 day lates or worse, I would be very happy the account drooped off my credit report. I would not do a thing on this account as far as getting it reported again. If you need account history consider getting a secured credit card.
  5. dmspanish

    dmspanish Member

    It no longer shows any lates all it shows are the last 48months paid on time except once or twice. Late 30 days.
  6. erik776

    erik776 Well-Known Member

    Still, I would not make waves.

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