I recently paid for a TU report with FICO score and disputed a few items. It has been about 3 weeks and out of curiosity I pulled a free report from the TU web site (denied cr within 60 days). I was surprised to find out that there 14 inquiries listed within the last 2 years and on the report I paid for only showed 3! It also doesn't show anything in dispute! Which version of the report do creditors see when they pull?
The 3 inq's that you saw on the report are the hard inq's - the one's that hurt and the ones that creditors see. The others that you saw on the "free" report are soft inq's such as account reviews (AR), promotional inq's (PRM) or from you pulling your own report. These inq's are not seen by creditors and do not hurt your score. As for the disputes, TU's software is in the dark ages and they apparently don't have the capability to mark items as being in dispute. This is a violation of the FCRA and you can use it to your advantage at a later date if necessary.
Actually they WERE hard inquiries. There was a seperate section for those that would only be seen by me. I should be getting a hardcopy from them in another couple of weeks after the dispute timeline is complete and I'll check that against the other two; tie-breaker? Anybody else noticed a difference in the number of inquiries reported?
TU is getting very sloppy at everything. I don't know how exactly their software is set up but believe their files are fragmented. I've had two hard copy reports come back diffrent. The verified dates are off for on tradeline the two times the tradeline was in dispute. I don't see TU going more than 3 years without a major system overhaul. Something tells me they may not be able to upgrade or else they would of already done so.
I recently purchased a report from TU and noticed that I only had two hard inquiries on the report. They are both less than 6 months old. I do plan to ask them (TU) why the report I paid for does not show the soft inquiries. I am curious to know which companies have received my info since the last I requested my report. I also have other hard inquiries that were missing. I have requested credit from at least four companies that checked TU in the past 18 months. Those inquires were there last March when I requested a report and they are gone from the report this year. Those inquiries I do not miss. KK
I was a little curious when I read this post and decided to request a free report from them (declined within the last 60 days). There are enough differences between the reports to suggest to me (and as others have pointed out) that TU is working from different databases or systems. Free report resulted in 14 pages that includes the order confirmation pages and the California disclosure. Paid report resulted in 40 pages and that includes the order confirm and fico info (3 pages). This report is far more cumbersome and not very user friendly. Free report has creditor information - name, address and telephone numbers. Paid report - "Creditor grantor information not on file" Free report provides the entire account number for each account. Paid report does not give the last for characters of the account number. Free report provides 3 full pages of inquiries divided into sections by regular (hard), PRM and AR. This includes eight hard inquiries. Paid report shows two inquiries and a statement that says "Total number if inquires resulting from you applying for credit 2". I am not all that web savvy but the URL for the paid report is www.transunioncs.com. The URL for the free report is www.tuscores.com. The format and order of tradelines is very different. Neither is in alpha order and it was very hard comparing the two because the order was not the same. I also noticed since reviewing my report a little more is that the first report I requested (paid for on 3/1) does not have one tradeline updated for February 2003. Although that is not a huge problem for me, I have made the assumption that TU does do updates as regularly as Experien or Equifax. My one major complaint so far is that many people pay for their credit profile to review what companies have requested their information. My mother does this every so often, luckily she does not do this online. Anyone that does it online will not get that information and if they are looking to check for identity theft, they will not receive the information that for which they have paid. KK