I just received investigation results from an account that I disputed (third time). TU is stating that since the account was verified (I don't know how they verified it because the company doesn't respond to my letter, faxes, email, phone calls,etc) they will not dispute it again unless I can provide documentation from the company. Any suggestions on what I should do next??
Send a procedural request to TransUnion and ask for the specific procedure used to verify the account, including the name, address and telephone number of the person who verified. L
I received the same from TU. Does anyone have an example of a procedural letter format? Thanks for the help.
Koz, 265 posts and you haven't been to the sample section LOL I think that is a record hehehehe J/K Sample letters Procedure request sample -Peace, Dave
Cavent2, Hey I just received the same EXACT letter from TU - I'm glad I'm not an isolated incident. The bastards said the creditors previously verified as accurate the items I disputed. They then went on to say I need court letters or a recent letter from the creditor explaining what info should be updated. This is bull - the accounts were only disputed ONCE 4 months ago, and I believe they should reinvestigate this atleast one more time.
Yeah, it sucks because I pulled my TU report last night and the account is reflecting verified in 1998...no recent dates of verfication...I don't get it.