so, the two medical collections are off, and my score jumps upt to 684!!. I still don't have a clean report, but here are the negs that are left: USA funds 5/96 payment after chargeoff (just disputed again) First National Bank status 11/2001 Paid 1x90 days 3x60 dyas 4X30 days maximum delinquency occured 4/2000 (working the nutcase series) Providian 1x60 days 1x30 days maximum delinqency 9/2000 (also at limit on this card, will be paying it down) Provident bank (mortgage) 1x30 day (2000) Is there anything I could apply for and be approved online..... i only have cap one (did the pfb thing, waiting) and an old lane bryant account showing in the positives.
There was thread about a Kohl's card. I know it's only retail, but it's a card nonetheless. Someone posted that Kohls pulled from TU, and required a 630 or above score.
yes, I just wonder about the negs. I can wait, I really don't want to burn inquiry's. any suggestions for a gas card... I could reallly use one of those.