I am a long time lurker. Had an unpaid charge-off (only derog) on TU. Followed Lizardking's validation process with a collection agency. I had to send a validation request. There was no response. Sixty days later I sent an estopel letter. I then sent copies of everything, including rrr's, to TU and today TU has deleted the item. Score went from 613 to 782!!! Can the original creditor reinsert this listing later? Sure feels good, thanks everyone for all the wonderful posts.
WOW!! That's great. I hope I can say that REAL dang soon myself. I'm sitting here today doing credit repair (as usual). Hubby says I need a hobby...but this IS my hobby for now.
782 is bad to the bone! Too bad the TU score is really crap. How are your EQ and EX scores? In the meantime, maybe there is some credit you can apply for that looks at TU only.
I have to wonder about the TU score, I have an 876. It's my only CR with no derogs left but an 876? I'm not complaining, I just don't believe it. I'd love to know my TU FICO score.
I have 11 active accounts and 28 closed accounts. The active accounts include a mortgage, Penny's, Target, Citibank Platinum, Sears Gold Mastercard, Orchard, FCNB, Providian, and Cap One, student loans (co-signer). I've been in their files since 1985. My EXperian score is 671 (still showing 1 derog) and Equifax 709 with 2 derog's in dispute. I don't want to apply for anymore credit until I can get a loc that does not report to reduce my % of usage.