Got report back from TU today, 9 old items deleted, 2 updated as "Verified No Change"... Ok i was excited, 9 Items deleted... Looked at the last page which gives your score and thought there must be a typo!!!! My score Dropped "49 Points"!!!! How in the Hell can that happen?? I just don't get it. TU is a %$$@! Mystery....
TU's score is nonsense. It is not real nor is it accurate. Probably one of the items to be deleted was old and when it came off, your credit history decreased. Just a guess. Go to E-loan and get your score. They pull your TU report and create a score with the credtxpert model. I personally believe it is much more accurate.
Breeze, well they just floored me!!!! i tried to do the math and boy was i off..... How do you get to eloan and get your score? Also something else disturbs me... A CA verifies on EQ, but the account is deleted on TU, and on EX shows paid Collection? Go figure.. They never responded back to my validation letter, but just verified with EQ.... I got to get'em.......
perhaps the up dated info made bad trade lines more "recent" invents, which could lower your scoe or simply the updated information were more negative than before the up date. Or TU could just be full of BS as usual ~
Try the score from eloan and see what it says. I'm not sure how consistent it is either, but anything has to be better than TransUnions counterpart.
I just pulled my E-loan credit score and it is E-loan 654. I pulled TransUnion recently and it was 736. Quite a difference. Since my Beacon score is 673, the 654 looks closer to the truth.
got it, its amazing what you can find if you just look! Duh!
The site pulls from your Equifax credit file. The site fills from your TransUnion credit file.
But doesn't each so called "credit score" go by what's on it? For instance, on my EQ report I have 5 pos and 1 neg and a BK reporting but on TU I have 8 pos and 2 negs and no BK reporting. If they are reporting the exact information I can see where the discrepancy would be confusing but if each report has different information, it would logical that each score might be totally different. Just my two cents.
TU Score makes no sense I just pulled my TU report and score to see if acct balances had updated yet Well, I BT all my balances to one card and maxed that card out. The BT card is reporting the balance. However, NONE of the other cards have updated to show zero balances. Guess what - my score went UP????? from 697 to 714 so it looks like i doubled my debt and my score goes up - go figure Here are my four factors 1) too many active accounts with a balance 2) too few mortgage accounts 3) average balance of bankcard accounts is too high 4) too few retail accounts TU score is definitely bogus
I did E-Loan and and the 49pts i lost with the TU deletions i seemed to gain those exact points with E-Loan, Wow! what's the realness of this score?
I just pulled my eloan and it was 652 and my TU was 583. TU is very depressing. But if Eloan pulls from TU why such a big difference??? So will lenders get the TU score or the Eloan score?
Re: TU Scores I just don't get it??? tonyastime | 72 posts since Nov 2001 perhaps the up dated info made bad trade lines more "recent" invents, which could lower your score or simply the updated information were more negative than before the up date. Or TU could just be full of BS as usual ~ ============== Every thing is set up so anything that can happen will be damaging to you.
I had 5 accounts verified and 3 deleted (all over 6 years old) and my TU score dropped over 100 points because before the dispute all accounts were listed as closed and once verified, even though 3 were deleted the 5 that were verified did not have a closed date anymore, making those 5 look like current derogs. Working on getting that fixed.... Check to see what, if anything changed on the 2 accounts you had verified....
I had my last deletion on TU (before they reinserted and then subsequently deleted it again) and my score was supposedly up to 663 or something like that. Great, I thought. I applied to Generations thinking it would be no problem. WRONG! Generations came back and said my TU score was only 598. I pulled eloan and my score was 603 which was much, much closer to what creditors saw than what TU was telling me. I really think TU consumer viewable scoring isn't even worth the time it takes to look at it. L