TU up 187 points since 1/5/02

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by folide, Feb 26, 2002.

  1. folide

    folide Member

    I finally managed to take all my derog items off my Transunion report. When I started It was at 505. I had a bunch of negative items, some accurate some not. I managed to get them all off by disputing and re-disputing. I paid some stuff that was verified the first time, but after paying them they did not verify the second time. There is still one account that shows the balance over the credit limit (which I have paid off) that should be updated within the next couple days. This should bring my score above 700. Wow. My other two reports show a Paid Collection that keeps being verified, I will just have to wait until it drops off early next year. I have not posted much but I do an enormous amount of reading here, and it has helped me immensely. Thank you all.
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    WOW, great work.... did you dispute online or via snail mail?

    what type of negs did you have??? were they collections, late pays, student loans.... inquiring minds want to know!!!

  3. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Great work!! Nice of you to speak up. Now tell all!!!
  4. folide

    folide Member

    I started disputing by mail. I would send a letter certified with return notice, but they would not start working on them for about two weeks after I sent them. I started doing online disputes and found out they are faster with the same result, Experian is the best at online disputes. Sometimes I would call them with new disputes so I could get an update on current ones. When Equifax deletes items they don't delete right away, they mark them for deletion and then do a maintanence a few days later to delete. I learned not to dispute multiple items at once with TU, I disputed 3 items one time and called them a week later, they told me that two items were going to be deleted as soon as the investigation was over(30days) and they were waiting for the third creditor to respond, I asked them to delete them ASAP because they were reporting inaccurate data and they told me they had the legal right to wait until the invetigation was over. I then told them that my mortgage was closing on Friday and they sent the dispute to a priority department which then called the creditors for faster response, I got them taken off in two weeks.
  5. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Good Job :)
  6. Rina

    Rina Well-Known Member

    There's always room at the top. Go for it!

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