Ok hubby called TU about 20-30 days ago about that repo (they had reinserted without notifying) he had it "investigated" On 3/8 (about 10 days into the investigation) he got that letter from the CA saying it will be deleted. My local affiliate and PA did NOTHING with this letter. So last Thursday hubby called the Calif. TU office, they said fax it and we will take care of it (the letter that is). Well today the Calif. office deleted it, BUT in the mail today is a letter from the PA office dated 3/12 (4 days after I faxed the letter) saying this item was verified and remained. Now since it has been deleted did I lose all bargaining power? This is an OBVIOUS violation as well as the reinsertion. What do you think? He has 2 other negative items that I would like removed, should I send an intent to sue, or look for a lawsuit/settlement somewhere else?
I would add this to my list of violations, but wouldn't do anything at this point if its been deleted. When (if) I go after Experian, I will have about ten violations (if they don't commit anymore...lol) and plan to use them all (even if the accounts were subsequently deleted) to show a pattern of behaviour. On my last report, my dob came back changed. What???? All this time and then suddenly I'm a year younger? Maybe I shouldn't complain...lol. Anyway...I'm toying with the idea of class action...anyone interested? L