Turbo tax?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Feb 7, 2002.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I usually go to H&R Crap to have them do my taxes, but this is the first year where we didn't NEED the money ASAP. I tried it on H&R Crap's website then Turbo Tax, TT got me $600 more than H&R Crap. This is also the first time I have done the direct deposit option, has anyone ever done this option? If so, does it take as long as if it were mailed, or less time?
  2. JacquiG

    JacquiG Well-Known Member

  3. Andrew

    Andrew Well-Known Member

    i did TT web too! When is the cutoff date you're speaking of? Could I possibly get my return next week??!
  4. JacquiG

    JacquiG Well-Known Member

    Look at the link for the dates. By cutoff, I mean I did my taxes on the morning of the 31st, but it wasn't accepted by the IRS until late that evening. Since the cutoff is 12 Noon, I have to wait another whole week (Feb 15 instead of Feb 8) :(
  5. Andrew

    Andrew Well-Known Member

    Stupid me!

    Thanks a bunch! :-D
  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much! I had been looking for an 800 and there it was at the bottom of that link!
  7. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    Yup, did my own taxes via TT. The direct depoist is a great option. I remember it was like a solid 10 days before it showed up in our checking account.

    Best regards,
  8. Andrew

    Andrew Well-Known Member

    10 days is fine with me...hell even 15 ain't bad.
  9. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    i used it last year too. it worked out great.
  10. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    I used it last year, it is great!! Highly recommend it!!! Bought it from Wal-Mart only $20 alot cheaper than H&R crap!

    2 weeks isn't bad to wait without paying all of that interest for the instant loan.
  11. Laray

    Laray Well-Known Member

    it took me five days last year from the time i submitted to the day the money was in my checking!
  12. lmckenzie

    lmckenzie Well-Known Member

    Just an FYI

    The IRS picks up returns on Thursday and distributes the money on the following Friday
  13. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Re: Just an FYI

    I did mine through taxact.com and had no problems. I received mine last month and have used it the year before. I don't know how much TT is but taxact is only about $12 depending on how you file your taxes, like including state and federal or whatever. It's really easy to follow and I love the software.
  14. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Re: Just an FYI

    YEEHAW!!! Mine was accepted 2/6, so Hopefully i'll get mine in a week! BTW, I didnt really like how TT was setup, kind of complicated, considering it's my first year filing a state return. I don't understand why they charged me $13 for a state return when Mass. wont let me Efile my first time filing. All well, it's gonna be nice to get my federal then state then my cash from hubbys lawsuit then my lawsuit errrr maybe I shouldn't count my chickens....
  15. CredtQuest

    CredtQuest Well-Known Member

    I've used this software every year for the past 10 years. It rocks and will handle even very coomplicated taxes like mine.
  16. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    WOOHOO mine will be here tomorrow. $6022. Time to start writing checks
  17. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Did you call to find out? Dont forget to pay yourself!!! Nice little weekend getaway?
  18. Andrew

    Andrew Well-Known Member


    I suppose you pay a ton of mortgage interest? Right?
  19. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Well we got to claim mortgage interest, my milage (I'm a nurse) and I work a weekend job, DH is a truck driver so we get to claim his per diem which is $85 per day, and we had some charity stuff to claim. It worked out great this year. I'm using about $2500 to pay off some things they agreed to delete for payment in full and the rest..who knows?
  20. zip

    zip Well-Known Member

    I used TT for the first time this year and recieved 1400.00 more back than iI figured with H&R block on-line.THat web site was great!! I will be getting mine tomorrow!!

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