Ok I applied for a Hess credit card and was turned down based on some information on my TransUnion report. I used Planetfeedback to write a letter. In the letter I explained why the report reads how it does. I felt safer writing to them rather than putting a note in my credit report because I don't want every person who pulls my report to see the information. Previously this got me a card with Bank Of America. Chase reviewed my letter and turned me down again. I would like assistance on getting my report improved so if I apply again in a few months I have a greater chance of being approved. Original reason for turn down * One or more of your past or present credit obligations is reported as deliquent or as being handled by a consuler credit counsling organization * Your consumer credit report reflects a charge-off and/or collection account * One or more of your past or present accounts is reported with a delnquect 120 days or greater * Your consumer credt report reflects one or more currently deliquent accounts Then they went into the specifics * An account from AFNI reporting as settled * A Charge Off for the amount of $311.00 from AMEX reporting currently past due * One paid charge-off being reported by HSBC/RC * An account from Capitol One Bank reported settled less than the full balance * 120-Day deliquenies being reported by HHLD. Here is a breif rundown of the reasons behind each of them 1) AFNI- Cingular account sold to them, stopped paying because I canceled serice and Congular kept billing me agreed to settle to make it go away, it did not "go away" 2) Yes I owe AMEX the money I will be paying them soon. Tried a pay to delete offer they said no but they won't be pursuing collection on this money 3) I do not recall a charge off from HSBC/RC because I am not sure who that is 4) Yes I did pay them less than the full amount owed per agreement 5) I was 120 day deliquent back from Januay to June of 2004. Any suggestiions to clean this up would be appreciated