Well hello everybody,i recieved a citi advantage card with a $7000 credit limit two weeks ago. last week I applied for citi platinum select and was turned down for having to many high balances to credit ratio.well if thats the case why was I approved for the advantage card.I do have seven cards for a tatal of over $ 50.000 but some of my cards have a zero balance. discover 12.9 usaa 6.0 juniper 7.0 at&t universal 0% bt bofa 13 citi advantage 15.9 afees exchange 13 does anybody know of a citi card thats easy to qualify for i want to combinr the two and bt.
Are you saying you have $50K in debt on credit card balances, or you have $50K in total credit limit? What is your ratio of debt to credit limit? $50K debt is a lot of CC debt. You are probably paying $1.5K / month to keep it current, of which $200 to $800 is probably (non-deductible) interest. What percent of your monthly after tax income is going to debt service? At this level, any negative TLs would probably be weighted more in FICO. In addition, a short credit history, or no mortgage debt might group you with people who are becoming overextended. Note that your credit reports, and therefore FICO, have no information on your income, and therefore cannot directly determine whether you can continue to pay your bills. Citi doesn't have income information, except to the extent it can trust your claim on an application. A mortgage implies assets, stability, and the income to service the mortgage, particularly if the mortgage has been paid for a while, during which the property has probably appreciated, and so appears to count positively.
I have about 25k in dept and no I dont have a mortgage my home is in my wife name.I have over 10 years of credit card history since I filed chapter 7 in 94. i NEVER pay anything late. my credit is spotless except for a few inquiries.all of my cards are prime except for for the advantage card.
Does your BK still show on your credit report? Was a Citi account included in your BK? They keep records separate from CRAs.
no i didnt have a citi card bank then and my 10 years has expired. so my bk is no longer on my report i have no negatives.