TU's Email Response

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Erica, Jul 11, 2002.

  1. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member


    Got a reply from Don Richman today... Here's his reply in full, and my letter in full....



    Sorry for the delay. I have been out of the office.

    TransUnion replied to your investigation request. We sent you a letter
    advising our position on inquiries and sent you a modified report
    reflecting the results of the accounts you questioned.

    At this time, I am not deleting the inquiries. These are statements of
    fact and therefore, accurate. These companies received your report on
    that date. Questioning why it was done should be entertained by the
    company that did the inquiry.

    Thank you for the opportunity to clarify your concern.

    >>> "Erica"07/03/02 18:25 PM >>>
    To Whom it May Concern:

    On 5/28/02, I completed an online investigation at your website, using
    your provided "dispute online wizard". The dispute included a request
    to correct personal information, to reinvestigate three accounts which
    are erroneously reporting on my report, and to delete six unauthorized
    inquiries. I have attached a copy of the dispute which clearly shows
    the date of the dispute. The FCRA allows you thirty (30) days to
    complete your investigation.

    Since I have not received notification of the completion of your
    investigation, I am left to assume that you cannot verify the inaccurate
    and incomplete information in question. Therefore you MUST delete the
    information, as required by law.

    I would like for you to send me an updated and complete credit report,
    and anyone else who has requested it in the last six (6) months.

    Thank you for your prompt attention to this very serious matter.



    Did he skirt the issue at hand????

    What do you think?
  2. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I got the same response today about the inquiries, except they are deeming it frivolous!! Charlie
  3. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    Write him back and tell him WHY you think those inquiries are unauthorized...

    He did skirt the issue at hand. The issue was that they didn't complete the investigation in 30 days.
  4. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I think I would point out to TU that while you may indeed take it up with the companies who pulled your credit report without a permissable purpose, it is also TU's responsibility to ensure that only those *with* a permissable purpose are able to access your credit report. Therefore, TU also has culpability in this matter.

    Just a thought....

  5. cavent2

    cavent2 Well-Known Member

    All, check out the thread on "emailing CRA's brass"...
  6. cavent2

    cavent2 Well-Known Member

    I think folks should be cautious in emailing CRA "brass", brings too much attention...
  7. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Thanks whyspers...I just may do that....I am also going to respond to Don with a request for $1000 for failure to reinvestigate/delete the inquiries in question. As far as I'm concerned, inquiries are like tradelines, and I have a right to request they be deleted. They also took over 30 days, as I have YET to get the report he says they sent to me. So I'm asking him for $1000 for that too.....what do you think?
  8. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    Erica, I think you are going to be a new member of the Priority Club with several other creditnetters (including myself).

    I have tried everything except filing a lawsuit to have 3 unauthorized inquiries removed from my report. This included speaking with, writing, and re-writing to Don Richman. You know what? I still have those same 3 inquiries reporting. TU is going to do NOTHING to help you get rid of them. It doesn't matter what you say, how bad you threaten, how much sense you make. I was told, by the priority dept, that TU was not capable of reporting an inquiry that lacked permissible purpose. Now, Erica, stop laughing! Isn't that the most ridiculous thing you have ever heard. This was from a supervisor in the Priority Dept! Bottom line, this is their mantra for awhile. Good luck and I wish you well, but I think you are going to still be hitting your head against the wall 6 months from now without a lawsuit.

    Have you been following Lizardking's thread on his TU inquiry lawsuit? The law is on our side on this issue, no doubt in my mind. I just have bigger fish to fry right now than to deal with it.

    Good luck, let us know how it goes!


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