Thanks to a few new inquiries and a BT offer in the last few months, my EQ creditwatch score is down to 712. Normally, that wouldn't concern me in the least, but I just discovered that my credit union has a superb HELOC program (100% LTV, 2.50% margin, index of 6-month t-bill rate with 6% floor) that requires a 720 EQ score to land. So, if I want this, every little point counts! I just need it to hit 720 on the day I have them pull the inquiry. If it jumps up after that, no worries. All below info is from report pulled today: Top neg reason, "You applied for credit 4 times in the last 12 months." Second reason, "The total amount owed on your credit obligations is $37067" I have 7 inquires in the last year, and 4 show up in the last couple of months. The Prov Funding should be disputable, as we applied for a mortgage on investment property there but in wife's name only (they don't even have my SS#, which made the pull esp odd.) The list looks like this: 07/01/2002 1ST INT BK 06/27/2002 PROV FUND 06/21/2002 PENTGNSFCU 06/13/2002 CAPONEBANK 02/18/2002 CITI 10/21/2001 NETBANK 07/16/2001 S T C U Accounts Summary Number of accounts 38 Number of accounts with balances 7 Number of accounts that are negative 0 Total balance on all accounts $126,415 Length of credit history 10 years, 11 months Account Type Company Account Number Date Opened Balance Negative Items More Information Revolving CITI 2/2002 $14,642 No More Information Revolving CITI 5/2002 $0 No More Information Revolving CITI 10/1999 $665 No More Information Revolving CITI 4/1999 $0 No More Information Revolving AMEX 1/2000 $0 No More Information Installment NETBANK 10/2001 $89,348 No More Information Revolving AMEX 7/2001 $75 No More Information Revolving FARM B 10/2001 $6,530 No More Information Revolving CAP 1 BANK 6/2002 $14,500 No More Information Revolving MBNA AMER 8/1998 $0 No More Information Revolving DISCOVR CD 8/1991 $0 No More Information Revolving FUSA NA 1/2000 $0 No More Information Revolving NEXTCARD 12/1999 $0 No More Information Revolving FUSA NA 11/1998 $655 No More Information What's likely hurting me most here is the new Cap 1 0% line of 20K, which is reporting at the level last drawn (14K.) I'm running it to 20K this cycle, then can cut it to $10K or less next cycle if need be. I also have several other large, older credit lines with 0 balances. Would be glad to provide other info if it would help.
Hey, sorry I can't help. I cant work with a credit report with no negative items!! lol if you were at 14k on Cap 1, and max at 20k, lowering the bal would raise your score-just not much. I think the golden area is 15-20% of credit limit. Closing trade lines might hurt you, too. this is a tough one.
Your best bet is play hide the weasel one month. Just do a bt to an account after billing cycle closes, pay off other lines before they close, and you can make it look like your outstanding debt is significantly lower (for a couple of weeks anyway.) BTW, doesn't work so well with CITI as they only update when the moon is full and Saturn is in line with Pluto.
only update when the moon is full and Saturn is in line with Pluto. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...WHEN THE MONTH HAS 2 NEW MOONS AND DOES NOT INCLUDE A-E-I-O-U IN IT'S NAME...
Thanks for the responses all... "Hide the weasal"--I like. Sounds like a good plan That would probably do the trick too. Other ideas most welcome...
I thought that you had 2 that you said weren't legit. I have heard that many people have had problems disputing inquiries on EQ. I have never had a problem, but I never dispute more than 2 at a time. One time I disputed 4, but they were all for one CA that I had removed. Charlie