Ok, so with all of your encouragement, advice and success stories, I started disputing some things. One of which was a JCPenny Charge Off. This occurred shortly after I moved 2 years ago. I honestly believe I paid this account off, but much of my stuff is in storage, so I can not prove that right now. Anyway, before I found this board, I got a CR and noticed that it was on there. I called JCPenny and they claimed I never paid. Well, believing I did the right thing, I sent in the $64 that they said I owed (not realizing I could have tried for deletion). It was still on my credit report , so I recently disputed it. It just came back "updated" saying I still have a CO of $1!!! Can you believe that? I am thinking that they are not going to negotiate deletion with me over $1!! I have read here that JCPenny is difficult to get to delete anyway. And, to boot, my score went down 2 points! SIGH....just had to vent. Thanks, Gillian
Try going through GE Card Services. They have a lot of Penney's old accounts, so you might have some luck with them. L
I think I can explain why your score went down 2 points. Penneys probably hadn't updated in a while, and now it shows as recently updated, even though it has a lesser balance, I think it matters more that it was verified recently. Stupid reason I know, but I make myself believe it, that way if a score drops I don't feel like sh!t.