Uh Oh New Arrival~~~kinda

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ohnostuck, Nov 19, 2002.

  1. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    I have not checked my reports in a while..that damn credit card charge off is back...Here is what it reads..This account is from 1997. It has been sold a few times. It says that it was placed 8/2002. Can they do this?

    NCO FIN SYS Acnt#: *********** Open Account
    >Placed for collection<

    Updated: 11/2002
    Balance: $1928
    Individual Account

    Placed: 08/2002
    Most Owed: $1928
    Closed: Past Due: $1928

    >Status as of 11/2002: Collection Account<
  2. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member


    Immediately send validation demand letter. Be sure that you send it CRRR. It is doubtful that they will be able to validate since they just purchased old debt paper. As soon as you receive the green card back then dispute with CRAs.

    Good luck.

  3. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Thanks Fla-tan. I know how to dispute it, what I am wondering is about that placed date. As I said this is from 1997 (maybe 1996). The one thing I do worry about is that this is almost out of SOL and I dont want to get sued.
  4. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    anyone else?
  5. chitchat

    chitchat Well-Known Member


    when you dispute with CA or OC and you sent them CRRR how do you turn around and dispute with CRA - do I send CRA the green card that I received back from OC and CA. What should be said...

    Sorry I must of missed this part =)
  6. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Chit chat you should re-post this in a new thread. That way people interested in your title will check it out. "Hijacked thread" questions tend to be ignored.
  7. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member


    Are you being thread possessive again???


  8. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Yes Sir I am. Although this thread seems to be doing no good. Helllloooo my creditnet buddys HELP :)
  9. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member


    when does SOL run out? If that is your major concern then you may just want to hold on til then. Though I would think that if the OC hasn't done anything by now, that probably won't. What I have read in other threads dealing with NCO is that when you push them real hard they back up. If I remember correctly, there was a thread from BBauer that dealt with NCO and he just pushed them real hard and they folded. You may want to do a search and see if you can find it. As far as placed date, if my memory serves me correctly, that is immaterial. DOLA is the important date. Again, I know you are an old hand (not literally of course) but sometimes we forget what we should remember. You may even find that by demanding validation you cause SOL to lapse. And I think that would be possibly the best of both worlds.

  10. chitchat

    chitchat Well-Known Member


    Thank you, I will!
  11. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member


    The thing is there is NOTHING on the report that shows when the DOLA was. Sorry if I am not explaining myself well. :)

    Here is ALL that it says

    Updated: 11/2002
    Balance: $1928
    Individual Account

    Placed: 08/2002
    Most Owed: $1928
    Closed: Past Due: $1928

    >Status as of 11/2002: Collection Account

    Therefore this account looks new, when it in fact is 5+ years. SOL in my state is 7, I am afraid that if I send them a validation I will get a lawsuit.
  12. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member


    the problem is that you had mentioned, if I remember correctly, that you were hoping to purchase a house soon. This account is going to cause you problems in getting a mortgage. Most if not all the lenders are going to require that the collection be paid off before closing. So, if I remembered correctly on the mortgage issue, you won't be able to ignore it. Defore deciding how to handle this issue, decide what is the absolutely worst thing that can happen and how to handle it. Then go forward with your decision. You may also want to consider contacting OC and seeing if they will settle with you for pennies on the dollar in exchange for making sure that it stays off your report.

    Good luck no matter what you decide.


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