UK Credit Cards

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by patk100, Mar 12, 2005.

  1. patk100

    patk100 Member

    Hello Folks,

    Got some information about obtaining sub prim cards in the UK which may be of use to some of you.

    CapitalOne are doing a secured card for a £200 deposit, but they keep you to within £200 and will not let you pre load the card.

    American Express are doing a pre-paid card for £220 as a minimum but it does not seem to be accepted widely and can not be used for pre booking hotels or car hire.

    Heard a company called Vanquis Bank are offering a card in the sub prime market but at a staggering 40% interest, but if you are desparate I guess need must, anyone managed to get hold of one of these cards, I applied 15 days ago and as yet have heard nothing.

    Would like to hear of any other institution offering cards in the UK in the sub prime group.

    Tried all the usual - Barclaycard, Halifax etc, but need a card for international travel, found the Electron card offered so far crap, not accepted for car hire or hotel bookings.

    Tried ordering a pre-paid Visa card from a foreign bank through a UK company but never heard anything and their month charges just to operate an accout were sky high let alone reload charges.

    Many thanks

  2. seraph23

    seraph23 Active Member

    Did a quick search....

    The link for the Universa card sends you to the RBS site....

    the interest rates are all a bit steep... 24- 30% for an unsecured card

    Hope this helps

  3. patk100

    patk100 Member


    See the site thanks - can;t go to RBS - had problems with them in the past, tried the Aqua, got refused by them.

    Out of sheer desparation trying the Vaquais but heard nothing and it's been three weeks since I applied
  4. seraph23

    seraph23 Active Member

    Try ringing them for info on the approval time ... In the US it takes up to 30 days for approval- or about a week to for them to send you rejection letter :)

    good luck


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