Umbrella Bank has brick&mortar bank

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tlcampbe, Apr 1, 2002.

  1. tlcampbe

    tlcampbe Well-Known Member

    I was searching for an ATM in an area of Chicago that I don't go to much when to my wandering eyes might befall me but a real brick and mortar Umbrella Bank banking center with real tellers and all. And even a drive through teller windows!! This is about 2 blocks west of the United Center on Madison (for those of you familiar with Chicago)

    This is the same Umbrella Bank that is on the Internet. So maybe they will be around for awhile unlike there other Internet only predecessors (, Compubank, Wingspan, etc.). The customer service clerk mentioned that they also have a location in the south suburbs.

    On a sad note, they charged me $1.90 fee to use their ATM :(
  2. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    That's the one and only location. There are no other branches.
  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    hey tl, I work not too far from there.... near Greek Town. too bad I don't qualify (yet) for the Credit card.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    $1.90 for "THEIR" card...or a "FOREIGN" card???
  5. tlcampbe

    tlcampbe Well-Known Member

    It was for a foreign card

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